Page 46 of Blind Trust

She wasn’t nearly as worried about herself as she was the innocent little boy sleeping upstairs. “Maybe, but that doesn’t matter.”

“Yes,” Finn said forcefully. “It does.”

Touched by his concern, she met his fierce gaze. The kiss they’d shared a short time ago shimmered in the air between them. When it looked as though he might kiss her again, she forced herself to stand, putting distance between them.

“What’s wrong?” Finn asked.

“You. Me. This.” She waved an exasperated hand between them. “Us. Surely you understand there can’t be anything between us.”

“If this is about Reed Branson’s big mouth,” Finn began, but she cut him off.

“It’s not.” Well, maybe it was a little, but that wasn’t the point. “You don’t realize what my future holds, Finn, but I do. My eyesight is okay now, not great with my limited peripheral vision, yet I can still see. As the next few years go by, that will change dramatically. My vision will narrow further until I’ll only be able to see through a small pinhole, darkness and light, shadows and shapes, and nothing else.” She squared her shoulders, facing him. “I won’t be treated as an invalid. I train guide dogs for a living and plan to continue doing so even after I lose my eyesight. Don’t underestimate my determination to remain independent.”

“Okay, I won’t.” Finn took a step closer, drilling her with his intense gaze. “If you promise to do the same.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

He came closer and stole a quick kiss before stepping back. “I won’t underestimate you if you don’t underestimate me.”

She gasped in surprise, not sure what to make of that. Finn didn’t move, so she finally turned away. “I need to get some sleep. Good night, Finn.”

“Good night.”

As she headed upstairs, Eva replayed their conversation in her mind. Was he serious? Was it possible that she could have the future she’d always dreamed of?

A husband and family of her own.


Finn was able to catch a few hours of sleep, but woke early, anxious to continue working the case. After taking Abernathy outside and giving his K-9 partner fresh water and food, he sat down at the kitchen table to make notes. He’d already sent two samples of cocaine to the lab, and needed to check if Ilana Hawkins, their forensic lab tech, had any updates on the cocaine matching, the fingerprints from the paper-wrapped rock or the DNA from Eva’s keys, and finally, there was the interview with Roach. The last issue was the one where he had the greatest hope of getting something to crack this case. Guys like Roach were always willing to make a deal in exchange for a lighter sentence.

When he heard movement from upstairs, he headed into the kitchen to make coffee and start breakfast. He knew, deep in his bones, that Eva was the primary person in danger now. Mikey was safe, and he didn’t think there’d be another attempt on the child, not when they’d been able to find him so quickly. Yet Finn understood that until the missing package was recovered and the stinky guy with a twang had been captured, they had to be extremely careful.

“Good morning.” Eva’s husky voice had him turning toward the doorway. His breath caught in his chest at how beautiful she was, even after just waking up and without a bit of makeup. Her natural beauty needed no enhancements. The kiss they’d shared flashed into his mind, and he wished he had the right to greet her with a kiss.

She’d drawn a line in the sand last night, one he couldn’t bring himself to cross.

“Morning.” Had that croaky voice come from him? He cleared his throat, noticing Mikey scampering over to pet Abernathy, and tried again. “I’m making pancakes for breakfast if you’re hungry.”

“I’m very hungry,” Mikey said. The little boy gave Abernathy one last pat, then turned toward Finn, raising his arms in a way that silently indicated he wanted to be lifted up.

Finn obliged him by hauling the boy into his arms. The child wrapped his arms around his neck, resting his head on Finn’s shoulder.

“I miss my daddy.”

Finn’s gaze clashed with Eva’s, catching the hint of tears shimmering in her eyes. “I know, buddy. He’ll be home soon.” He rubbed the boy’s back reassuringly before setting Mikey into his booster seat.