Page 39 of King Larson

I felt that coming. Why is he so bothered by him? He can’t be threatened, can he?

“Why does Jake Larson come up in every conversation?”

“Because you flirt with him in front of me. What’s more, you can’t even see that he’s using you, Leia. Why would he be intoyouwhen he has a campus full of girls who have his attention?”That stings.My own boyfriend doesn’t even think I’m worthy of a guy like Jake Larson. I already knew this...but I didn’t need that confirmation. He clearly seems to be aware of what he said. “Shit, Leia. I didn’t mean—”

“Whatever, Nick. You’re right. I’m not worthy of him. It doesn’t matter because I’m not seeing him.”

I quickly leave his room before he says something else that will hurt my feelings.

Two Weeks Later


She’s avoiding me.She’sfuckingavoiding me.

And there’s shit-all I can do about it. It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen her. Or even talked to her.Because you told her you didn’t know what you wanted with her, idiot. Of course she’s avoiding you.I’m so fucked up. She’s obviously not the kind of girl you just hit and ditch. I don’t even knowwhyI thought she was.

“Jake, are you okay?” Kris’ husky voice breaks into my thoughts. Silently cursing myself for leading her on further, I turn to face her. “What are you thinking about?”About how much of an ass I am.

“Nothing.” She gives me a small smile. She’s a pretty girl. She has her whole life ahead of her. She doesn’t deserve a loser like me. “Uh, Kris? Can I ask you something?”

This puts her on guard. She gives me an expectant look. But I’m not sure how to best word this without sounding like an asshole.


“What do you see in me? Out of all the guys on campus, why did you choose me?” I just don’t get it. She’s such a nice girl, and she deserves so much more.

“You’re Jake Larson. Whowouldn’tbe into you?” I feared that was the answer she was going to give me. But I sort of expected it. I have yet to meet a girl who actually likes me for me.Because you don’t give them the chance to, idiot.

“Right, but there has to besomethingabout me that made you show interest. What do you like about me?”

She just stares at me again. My personality? My heart?If I had one.

“I love...that you took a chance on me. Most guys were afraid to approach me. Maybe they were intimidated or maybe they didn’t take me seriously. But not you, Larson.That’swhat I like about you.”

Well shit.I was expecting a superficial reason. But that’s not Kris. She’s never been a superficial girl. She just wants to feel...wanted.And who doesn’t?

What’s killing me doesn’t change anything. I still want Leia. I’m still onlyattractedto Leia. I can’t figure out what it is about her. She has my full attention. Even more so after two weeks ago. But she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. Shit. Ihaveto fix this.

“’re a nice girl. And I don’t want to lead you on any further.” I hate having to do this.

“Jake, please don’t. I get it.” What? “We don’t have to have sex anymore.”

“Okay...notwhat I was expecting from this conversation.”

She laughs at that, and I can’t help but laugh, too. How is she acting so cool about this?

“Hey, I get it. The new girl has your full attention. That’s totally fine.” She has my full attention, all right.

“Yeah...that doesn’t seem to be happening. I sort of screwed up with her.”

“She didn’t like the idea of having a threesome?” Kris tries to joke, but it only half works.

“No, I just have...issues. She needs a guy who can make her happy and be clear about what they want.” And I can’t do any of those things.

“Well, if there’s one thing that I know about you, Larson, it’s that you’re a people-pleaser. You care about people’s view of you, especially for people you care about. Thataloneshould make her fall for you.”

Wow.I would think she’s laying it on thick if it weren’t for the dreamy way she’s staring at me right now.