Page 18 of King Larson

“If you were another notch on his belt, you would’ve been already. He wouldn’t be coming for seconds after akiss.”

She has a point. I hate when Taya’s right. But it’s not worth the risk.

“Technically,Icame back for seconds. We’ve been trying to avoid each other, sexually.”

Sarah scoffs at this. “That’s not helping your case. He’s been completely platonic with you evenafteryour tryst, or lack thereof, last summer. If he was responsive during this make-outandhe still talks to you, then he’s definitely into you for more than just sex, Leia.”

I stare at her. “That makes no sense. He could just want to be friends with benefits.”

Taya cocks an eyebrow. “We both saw how you guys were last summer. Jake Larson likes you.” I look at Sarah, and she nods, affirming what Taya says.

Our pizza arrives at the right time, and we put off the conversation for the rest of lunch.Jake Larson likes you. Does Jake want more than just sex with me? No. That can’t be. He’s a royal screwboy. Everyone on campus knows this. Even if thatweretrue, I would never put myself in a relationship of any sort with him. I’ve known him for a year, and I’m already gathering that he’s not looking for a girlfriend.

It doesn’t matter, Leia. You still attacked the man. Andyouhave a boyfriend.I definitely need to apologize to him.

And yet it seems like I’ll never be able to. The next few days, he’s been super hard to catch. Either I see him and his teammates in the weight room, or I don’t see him at all. If I didn’t know any better, I’d assume he’s avoiding me. Maybe I’m being narcissistic, though.He has a life, Leia. It doesn’t revolve around you.

After about day six trying to catch him at a good time, I give up. I’ve just accepted he either forgot or thinks I’m a weirdo for having an emotionalbreakdownat his frat. I won’t bother him to find out.

For the next month, I just focus on training hard for the upcoming track season. I’ve been out of focus for a while due to my already-stressful ‘love life.’ Nick calls and apologizes to me the second week in. Two weeks. It took the bastardtwo weeksto apologize. And I dumbly accepted. Out of guilt. But this doesn’t deter me. I’m still focused. I have life goals, and I have to get back into working toward achieving them.



One month. One fucking month since she kissed me.

One month since the last time I saw her watch me lifting weights. She’d been watching me for the longest time, and I was waiting for her to finally approach me. It sucks that she’s so afraid of me that she can’t even fathom walking up to me...and hopefully kissing me again.Wishful thinking.

That girl can fuckingkiss. I’ve kissed a lot of girls. Senior girls when I was a freshman here. Hell, senior girls when I was a freshman inhigh school. My best experiences were with older girls who knew what the hell they were doing when it came to kissing and sex. ButLeia.I might’ve kissed her last year, butI’m pretty sure I’m a bit ruined after that kiss on Friday.

One month later and I can’t stop staring at her in the campus cafeteria. She’s wearing her usual neon-colored sports bra with tight shorts. My beautiful girl.

“So the girls are back for the summer. Miracles reallydohappen.”

My teammates laugh at Brock’s lame joke. I can’t help but snort at the comment because it’s so true. I continue to stare at the very girls that everyone’s obsessed with. They’re laughing while doing silly shit like throwing food in the air to catch in their mouths. You can tell they’re younger based on that activity alone. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that they like to have fun.So do we.

“And we lost King Larson again,” Hunter remarks.

“I’m not gonna lie. She’s gorgeous,” I say. I want to feel pathetic for admitting this to my guys, but I can’t. Her hair is down again today. Long, black waves. She has the most beautiful smile. And thatrack. Normally the girls I go after have a large rack, but her rack is just...perfect. There’s no way a girl is this perfect.

“We know. You’re not the only one who gets off on her face alone.” I tense as I whip my head to Hunter. Suddenly I don’t care how hot she looks right now. I don’t care where we are. I don’t even care about the fact that my teammates look nervous as hell right now. My attention is on Hunter’s idiotic comment. But he looks anything but nervous right now. His face reeks ofI’m innocent.

“What did you just say to me?” His face suddenly grows nervous. He tries to brush it off by rolling his eyes, but his eyes shoot back to me.

“Larson, man, I was kidding.” I don’t care. The sudden anger I feel surprises me. But again, I don’t fucking care.

“Did you just admit to having a thing for her, Rosen?”He better say I imagined that.I need to hear the words. The gulp and my name were the last thing I heard.


I’m already on him before he can continue. My fist pummels into his face once...and then twice. And then four more times. I hear shouts and people trying to pull me off of him. But all I see is red. He tries to block the blows, but my hands pummel through his arms. I can’t stop. Irefuseto stop. Until a little voice speaks behind me.

“Larson?” Instantly recognizing that little voice, I turn to find a horrified Leia. She looks at me as if she doesn’t recognize me.

“Leia...” is all I can say. She shakes her head. For a few seconds, it’s just us exchanging horrified stares. She wasn’t supposed to see me like this. Then suddenly, I’m dragged out of the cafeteria, and Leia’s pulled away by her friends. I don’t get a chance to see who pulled me off of him. I’m too focused on the hurt expression Leia gives me as she’s pulled away.

“You’re our team captain, Larson. What the hell?”