Page 150 of King Larson

We’re walking out of the arena with this on my head and Hunter and Brock horseplaying, when I run into Taya...literally.

“Shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I say, steadying her.

She’s laughing as she grabs onto my shoulders. “Whoa, dude. I’m sorry,” she chuckles. What the hell is she doing here?

“No worries,” I laugh. “What are you doing here?” I look around to see if Leia’s with her. These girls are usually joined at the hip.

She clears her throat as her face reddens. “I just wanted to come and support you guys.” Her gaze makes its way to Hunter’s, and they share an awkward moment. “Congratulations, by the way.”

“Thanks, Nataya,” Hunter says.

I’m tempted to chuckle at the fact that he called her by her full name, but I stop myself. We all do and say weird shit when we’re in love.

Her cheeks blush more as she tries to inch away. “ was nice seeing you guys! Enjoy the rest of your night.” She walks away, but I’m not done. I could say this is for Hunter’s sake, but it’s really for mine.

“Wait.” She stops and quickly turns back to us. “Is...Leia with you tonight?” I can hear Brock’s chuckle behind me, but I don’t care. I haven’t seen the girl in a week. Sue me.

Taya gives me a sheepish grin. “No, she’s preparing for her trip to New York for the summer. Sarah and I hung out with her today, though.”

My heart does the usual thud it does when Leia’s concerned. But my ears really zero in on the first part. Trip to New York?

“What trip to New York?” I sound annoyed because I am. This girl is so fucking spontaneous. I love it, but I also hate it. “How long is she there for?”

“She got a writing apprenticeship for some big publishing company that her professor works for. She’s going up there for like three months this summer.” Each word is like a blow to the chest. Leia will be in New York for three months. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around this. I didn’t even know she was into writing. Again, there are so many things I don’t know about her. “I figured she would’ve told you.”

“No, she didn’t,” I growl.

Taya gives me an amused look while Brock laughs again. “Let her have this, Jake. She hasn’t done asingle thingfor herself in a while. I think the time away is good for her.”

I’m not in the mood to hear Taya’s words of wisdom.

Suddenly, Draft Day isn’t as exciting anymore in my head.

The novelty of joining the NHL and speaking to sports agents has worn off.

And all there is is Leia Walton on my mind.

The boys are throwing a celebratory party at Hunter’s house, and I completely forgot about it. Right after leaving the arena, we were all bombarded by paparazzi in the parking lot. Sports journalists from the major networks were throwing questions left and right. But I really had no interest in answering them. I told them I was thankful that the Snowflakes had enough faith in me to add me to their roster, and I left it at that. I’m sure I’ll get reamed for it by my dad later, but I don’t care at this rate.

My mind refuses to forget about Leia. The girl just ups and plans a trip to New York for three months and somehow forgets to tell me. What the hell couldthatpossibly be about? I’m being a selfish bastard, but I don’t care.

I told her I love her last week, and this is the reaction I get.

Am I really that revolting to her?

Did I scare her off?

Maybe I really do just need to let her go.Easier said than done.

I stand up from Hunter’s couch and walk to get a beer when the front door opens.

In walks Taya, Sarah...and her.For fuck’s sake. Did I say she was gorgeous before? That was a gross understatement. She’sstunning. She’s wearing a tight pink dress that hugs her in the right places. The straight hair that she’d been wearing lately is no more. It’s replaced with her regular beach waves that flow down her back. Those waves I could imagine running my fingers through.

She looks nervous, walking inside. I can’t bring my eyes away from her. Seeing her like this only makes me more upset. You know that saying ‘you want what you can’t have’? Boy, isthatthe fucking truth.

Her eyes somehow find mine in the crowd, and the nervous smile is gone. Replacing it is a surprised grin. She gives me a friendly wave, confusing me.

She doesn’t know you know, idiot.