Page 124 of King Larson

My eyes are puffy, my nose has become an overflow home for snot, and my throat is the sorest it’s ever been.

It’s been two weeks, and I still haven’t gotten my journal back. I’m tempted to look for Jake, but it’s no use. He probably thinks I’m a freak for saying I had a crush on him atsixteen years old.

I’m lying on my bed, watchingTaming of the Shrewon my laptop. Taya’s having lunch with Hunter after he called her and asked to meet.

Groaning, I pause the movie, take out my earphones, and walk to the fridge. My ice cream pint has been empty for a few hours now, but I wasn’t able to bring myself to get a new one. I’m craving cookie dough right now.

As I open the door to the freezer, Sarah reappears from outside the door. My eyes land on her hands.My journal. I immediately shut the door and rush over to her.

“Where’d you find that?” I urge.

She laughs in surprise as I take it from her hands. “A mysterious guest dropped it off,” she says with a weird, suggestive look.

What the hell does that mean? Everyone’s being so secretive, and it’s annoying.

I give her a bored look. “Sarah, you were standing outside for a few minutes. Clearly, you know who brought my journal back.” I hug it to my chest. I kiss it, being the dramatic girl I am. Sarah gives me an amused look. “Just give me a hint.” I’ll take what I can get at this point. I’m just happy to have the journal back in my hands.

“You’ll know once you open the first page of the book.” I frown at her. What? She waggles her eyebrows at me. Sarah’s acting fucking weird. “Anyway, I’m heading down to the track to train for Saturday’s meet. Are you running?” she asks, grabbing her bag from her bed.

Track. I completely forgot about the last meet of the season before state championships. I’ve been placing very well, but my focus is just off what with school and this Jake Larson drama.

Sighing, I throw the book down on my bed. “Yeah, I think Coach said I already qualified for the 100-meter race. But I’ll train with you guys tomorrow.”

She nods and disappears out of the door, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

I continue going through the freezer, looking for my pint of ice cream. Sarah and Taya inundated it with microwave pizzas and chicken nuggets. Rolling my eyes, I push everything aside, finding my ice cream in the very back. I grab the cookie dough, close the door, and walk to my bed.

This life is pathetic. Every day after classes lately, this has become my tradition, eating ice cream and binge-watching romantic movies.

Slouching back down on my bed, I reach to play the movie, and I notice my journal.

I run my hands over the cover. What was Sarah talking about?

You’ll know once you open the first page of the book.

Gulping, I open the journal, and my heartbeat speeds up, seeing that something new is written there. What the hell? It’s not even my handwriting.What idiot would write in my journal?I run my hands over the words, contemplating who would write on the first page.

I look closer and notice it’s a letter. My eyes widen in surprise. I reach for my reading glasses sitting on my laptop. Looking closer, I read the letter:

To the girl who left me one month ago:

You drive me crazy. Ever since I laid eyes on you at the beach. I mean, yeah, you’re fast as hell on the track, but you’re also so nice, so fucking pretty, intelligent...and I love your body, babe. From that rack that fill my hands to that ass that feels so good...all for me. I know you think Jake Larson doesn’t chase girls, and I don’t. But I will always chase you, babe. I will forever always chase you.

Yours Truly...

You know who this is from…

I run my hands over the letter as tears fall onto the page. I wipe my eyes of tears in frustration.

I love him so fucking much.

I never expected to get a letter from him, let alone a letter likethisfrom him.

Shutting the journal, I hug it to my chest. If I didn’t know I loved him before, I definitely know now. It just hurts...because I can’t tell him that.

Jake Larson will never love me back. Hecan’tlove me back.

And then I break down. I break down like I’ve never done before.