Page 115 of King Larson

“I don’t think I’m following, Coach.”

“You’re an arrogant bastard, is what I’m saying.” I choke out a laugh. I wasn’t expecting that from him. “Have been since your first year, son. You brought that confidence and arrogance to the ice throughout your years here. And it’s gotten our team win after win after win. So I find it extremely odd that you’re here at my house, asking me for advice for a meeting with a professional hockey coach like you’re a lost puppy dog.” Leave it to him to not take me seriously. He’s not a flowers and rainbows kind of guy. He tells you straight.

“Coach, are you mocking me right now? When I need your help?”

He chuckles again, shaking his head. “You don’t need my advice, Jake. You’re just in your head. Now, if you here to ask me about your suspension—”

“I know they’re going to ask about it.”

He gives me a knowing look. “Actions have consequences, son. You have to live with the shit you do in life.”

I give him a blank stare. Is this real? Am I being punked?

“That’s all you have for me?”

He shrugs and takes another sip from his mug, in the most innocent way he can. I hate this tough love bullshit. “You’re a smart kid, Larson. You’ll figure it out.”

Rolling my eyes, I get up to leave. “Thanks for nothing, Coach.”

This was a waste of a trip up the mountain thatisour campus. I could’ve gone to the gym and gotten rest before tonight.

“Larson, sit down.” I stop in my tracks.I don’t know if I want to. “Sit down. Let’s have a chat.”

Sighing, I take a seat across from him again. “This better be good.” He’s staring at me. “What?”

“You’ve changed this year, son. What’s going on with you?” Everyone seems to be asking this same question.

“What do you mean?” But I know exactly what he means.

“Ever since Miss Walton came into the picture, you haven’t been yourself.” My heart stops when he brings her up. “She’s not a bad influence on you, is she?”

That’s probably the most laughable thing I’ve heard anyone ever ask me. She’s the furthest from a bad influence I’ve ever seen.

“No, she’s too much of a wholesome girl. I just...screwed up. And I’ve been having a hard time focusing.”

He lets out a sigh. “I knew the second you beat the shit out of Hunter that there was something there. She’s a beautiful girl, Larson.” Trust me, I fucking know. “Why is she making you lose focus?”

“I...” I let out an annoyed sigh. Something’s stopping me from saying what I want to say. Coach’s face tells me he knows what I was going to say. Everyone seems to know it at this point.

“I understand, son. I know.” He’s giving me a look of concern. “You’re a good kid. If she loves you, she’ll be back. It’s only a matter of time, but you have to get yourself out of this slump. You’re closer than ever to playing the game you told me in your first year you loved.” I gulp. He’s right. “I remember the first time I recruited you. I remember thinking you had so much potential when I saw you play on the ice in high school. Now you’re here. Don’t blow this because you don’t have faith.” He gets up and pats my shoulder. “She’ll come back, Larson,” he whispers.

A big part of me wishes he was right.

“Thank you, Coach.” He gives me a nod.

I get up with a sigh and leave. I need to get out of my head. Tonight will be fine.

The Snowflakes are a top team.

If they wanted to meet with me, that means there’s potential.

Have faith.


I thought I would love my major. But it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

I was gifted in math in high school. Hell, I’m still gifted in math incollege. It’s just not entirely fun. I’m stressed 24/7, with free time being few and far between.