Page 113 of King Larson

I wasn’t always a pretty girl. At least, I didn’tthinkI was a pretty girl when I was younger. I had to grow into my nose, and I was ridiculously skinny. My classmates made fun of my nose constantly, but adults thought I was the prettiest thing. It was the weirdest time in my life. My peers thought I was ugly, but my elders thought I was gorgeous. Logically, it just didn’t make sense to me. Now, as a college student,everyonethinks I’m hot. Or at least that’s what I’m told.

“Leia, please tell me you didn’t,” Sarah groans.

I take another cheese fry from the plate on our table. “I did. Jake lied to metwice. There’s an obvious reason for that.”

Sarah and Taya left the party earlier than I did. After I left Jake on the curb, I called Sarah to pick me up. I didn’t realize I’d left my stuff at Nick’s villa until yesterday. Sarah and Taya went by the villa the next morning, and they told me Nick was cuddling Stephanie on the couch. Yeah, he and I will never be a thing again in the future. Not that we were ever, but that just solidified it. I’m not sure I know what’s going on there, but it’s no longer my business.

“Please explain to me how him lying by omission twice and your lack of desirability correlates.” She’s mocking me at this point.

I roll my eyes. “Him not telling me about both situations tells me he’d do the same thing. Did you see those girls he made out with?” Seeing him make out with two girls in front of me will always stick with me. It was like watching someone slaughter my heart.

“I just think you’re overreacting, babe. Also, you have to get out of your head. You have absolutelynothingto be insecure about.”

I gulp in response. “Can we just move on? I wanted to spend time with you today.” Taya couldn’t make it to lunch today, since she’s back home visiting her family. Sarah and I decided to stay on campus. “What plans do you have for the rest of the day?”

“I actually didn’t have plans for the rest of the day. I—”

Sarah suddenly freezes as her gaze goes to something behind me. I follow her gaze, and it lands on Brock Morris. He’s eating lunch with a random girl. I look back to Sarah, and she’s grinding her teeth as she looks down.


She clears her throat and looks back at me. “Yeah, what’s up?” I give her a knowing look. This makes her roll her eyes. “Look, it’s nothing. We had a thing for like a minute, and then we went our separate ways. There’s nothing to discuss.”

The fact that she brushes it off that easily is very telling. Sarah isneverone to avoid talking.

“Babe, I would believe that more if you didn’t interrupt yourself to glare at him eating with another girl,” I laugh. I know her better than she thinks. Her face softens as she looks at him again. “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it, but don’t get in your head every time you see him.”

She has a pensive look before letting out a sigh and gives me a small smile. “The student has now become the teacher.” I laugh.

Don’t get in your head every time you see him.

Maybe that piece of advice is easier said than done.