Page 109 of King Larson

“Saw you with who?” I try, but he doesn’t give. I swallow at the weird expression he’s giving me.

“Allie, you’re a smart girl.”

“You’re too kind.”

Obviously annoyed, he grabs my shoulders, making me jump. We’re suddenly face to face. Well, he’s practically bending down to me. I clear my throat as he looks over my face.

“Allie, you’re a smart girl,” he whispers this time. He caresses my cheek. “You saw me with her, didn’t you, baby?”

“I didn’t see anything,” I lie. And he knows it too.

His nostrils flare in anger. “Bullshit,” he growls.

“Whatever.” I struggle to get away, but his hands are made of stone.

“Why are you acting like this? Tell me what’s happening right now.”

“Nothing, Jake! Nothing is wrong, I’m just...having a bad night.” It’s lame, but I can’t come up with a different excuse.

“Can we talk about it?” He sounds so genuine. He’salwaysbeen genuine.

“Not really.”

“If you tell me the truth, I’ll tell you.”

I frown. “I told you the truth.”



He gives me another annoyed stare. Then a smile breaks slowly across his beautiful face. “You want to know why I’m into girls like her?”

Because you’re a cliché asshole? Yeah, I already know that.

I try to struggle out of his hold again, but he doesn’t budge. “They’re easy. Girls like her are so willing when it comes to guys like me. I can touch them any way I want. I can kiss them anywhere I want—”

“Let me go,” I growl.

“...and I cantalkto them any way I want. You wanna know another thing?”

I struggle to hold the tears down again. “No, Jake.”

“They’re hot.”

I roll my eyes at this, but my heart breaks at the same time. “Yes, Jake. Certainly hot,” I deadpan.

He shakes his head, seemingly amused. “You don’t get it.” And I don’t fuckingcareto get it.

“I get it loud and clear, Larson,” I snap. But of course, it doesn’t faze him. He simply chuckles. “Now that we have your preferences out of the way, am I free to go?”

He’s still staring at me, smiling. What the fuck is wrong with him?

“I love girls with a hot rack.” Well. That stings. “I’m a tits and ass guy, babydoll. Both feelphenomenalwhen I’m giving it to her hard and fast.”

I shake my head. “Well...I hope you find that girl, Jake. I actually have a preference too.” His eyebrows raise. “Guys like Nick are amazing. I love a good All-American runner.” This gets his attention. His smug grin slowly slides into a grimace. “He comes from a good family. He’s the picture-perfect guy that you can bring home to Mom.”

“Fuck you,” he sneers. A sneer I feel in my heart.