Page 91 of King Larson

I can’t do this with her right now. She’s not getting it. I’m not even sure why they brought me out here right now.

“Girls, maybe we need to take a breather?” Sarah tries to moderate, but I’m not in the mood to sit here and listen to the bullshit Taya’s throwing my way. She’s not even apologetic.

“No, Sarah, I’m takingmorethan a breather. You girls enjoy the rest of your night.” I get up and grab my things. “I’ll be in the room when you guys are back.” I turn to leave when I spot my worst nightmare: Jake fucking Larson. And he’s making out with a random girl. He pulls back and takes a hit from a blunt before kissing another girl on his other side.

I am a freaking masochist.

“Leia?” Sarah’s voice momentarily distracts me. I can’t pull my eyes away, though. He’s making out with two girls in front of me while simultaneously smoking something. “Leia, let’s get you out of here.” She grabs for my arm, but I pull away from her.

He smokes another puff from the blunt and passes it to some random guy on the couch, while he leans in to kiss the first girl. The tears in my eyes are making me more anxious.I have to stop watching this. This is torture.

I turn to leave, but I immediately stop when I don’t look away fast enough. Jake’s eyes find mine, as if he felt I was here. We have a staring contest that seems to last forever. What hurts the most about this exchange is that he doesn’t even lookremotelyremorseful. His eyes are devoid of emotion. The last thing I see is a small smile before he leans in and kisses the same girl. I wipe my eyes and immediately look away.

“NowI’m ready to go,” I choke out. The tears are streaming down my face, and I can’t wipe them fast enough. “And fuck you, Taya.”

Her jaw drops as I turn away and leave. I’m done with this. It’s time to focus on myself from here on out.

Jake Larson opened my eyes to one thing: I amnolonger wasting my time.


I don’t give enough shits about whatever Brock is shouting at me.

He’s clearly angry at me and for good reason. But I just don’t care at this point. We lost our last game against the Steamers. Our second loss against the Jetsetters was fucked up, since we were projected to win that game.

“Dude, you’re a fucking idiot! I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you, but that game wasimportantto us! If we’d won, we would be far up the bracket!” I’m just taking it all in. “You’re just gonna sit there and not say anything?”

“What the hell do you want me to do, Morris? We already lost!” Continuing to shout at me isn’t going to do shit to change it. We’re sitting in the living room of the hotel room, and I’m smoking a blunt.

“You’re not supposed to be smoking in the hotel, Larson. You know this.” I roll my eyes. “That’s why you’ve been sucking on the ice, too. We have one game left, Larson. You need to get your ass in gear.”

“Can you chill, dude? I’ve had enough to deal with in the last two weeks, and I really just don’t need more.” It’s like talking to a girl. He just stares at me. “What now?”

“You’re being a dickhead, Larson. And I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you’re letting the team down. You might’ve just fucked up our chances of making it to the final game.” With that, he gives me an annoyed glare before leaving the room.Story of my life.

I’m annoyed with half the bullshit everyone’s been throwing my way lately. Hunter’s been pissy, Brock’s acting like my fucking mom, my coach keeps busting my chops about my performance on the ice, and my girlfriend and I are broken up over a dumb misunderstanding that we haven’t eventalkedabout. At this rate, I’d rather just get my plane ticket home.

We lost our last game. This was supposed to be the game that qualified us for the playoffs. But I let my team down, and it’s written all over their faces. I fucked up. I fucked up with my team, the ice, and Leia.

Brock gives me a grimace before he throws his skates off his feet and punches his locker.

“Guys, I know we lost, but we need to keep our heads up.” It’s a lost cause. I get a scoff from Brock, and Hunter just rolls his eyes. “You guys got a problem?”

“Your ‘words of wisdom’ don’t mean shit right now, Larson. You just cost us the playoffs.”

When will these guys give me a break? “Oh, grow a fucking pair, Morris. We lose games all the time, bro. So what? We didn’t make it to the playoffs for the conference.”

“It’s our senior year, asshole! How can you not see that?! This game meant everything to us! We’re a team. We came here to win, Larson. But leave it to you to fuck things up.”

I can’t help but roll my eyes. I would be more annoyed if he weren’t right. But he is. There’s nothing I can do. I throw off my skates, jersey, and shoulder pads.

“Let me know when you guys loosen the wad in your panties. I’m at the nightclub tonight,” I mutter, throwing my bag over my arm.

Hunter flips me off while Brock shakes his head at me.

Time for a night to myself.