Page 85 of King Larson

“That’s cool...” She gives me another confused look. “So I’m confused about why you were expecting me to freak out,” she laughs.

“I want my girl to come with me,” I say bluntly. Her eyes widen in surprise.There, it’s out there. You can’t take it back.

“What?” she whispers. This time, I hesitate. I’m already afraid of what her response will be. She looks at me expectantly. “Jake?”

“I want you to come with me Saturday, babe. Be there with me when I fall flat on my face. That is, if you want to.”

She gives me a nervous smile. “I don’t know. That’s kind of a big thing, isn’t it?”

“It is, and that’s why I want you to be there with me. As my girlfriend.”

I wait for her answer. She’s biting her bottom lip, and I dread the silence. I look at Hunter and everyone else at the table, and they’re all drinking. Thank God they aren’t seeing this exchange. I look back and am greeted by her smile.

“I’d love to go and support you, Jacob.”

Jacob. The smile on my face can’t be contained. I lean in and kiss her. She smiles against my lips as I pull her into my lap.

“That’s more like it.” Each and every day I’m with her, it feels like I’ve won the lottery. The emotions are running high, and usually I’m running away from them. This time, I can’t run away.

We hang out in the bar for the next two hours before Leia and I are ready to head back to the hotel. I’m tired and really just want time alone with her. Hunter, Brock, and the rest of the team decided to have one more round of drinks. I should’ve fought harder to encourage them to get some rest, but no one listens to me when alcohol is involved.

“You bastard.”

I whip around to find a small, fiery girl walking up to me. Before I can figure out what’s going on, a hard slap lands across my face. What the hell? It takes me a while to recover before I find Taya staring at me, angry.

“Taya, what the hell?!” Leia pulls Taya to the side, but Taya brushes her off.

“Get off me, Leia! Your boyfriend is a fucking asshole!”

Asshole? What the fuck is going on?

“Why amIan asshole?! What is going on here?”

Leia appears to be confused and bewildered, as am I. Just then, Hunter and Brock walk out, laughing about something. When they see us, they stop in their tracks.

“Who the fuck is Milena, Jake? And why is she telling me that she’s dating my boyfriend?” Shit. My eyes widen at that. I feel Leia looking at me, but I can’t bring myself to answer the question. “Sarah and I were hanging out in my hotel room, andMilenashowed up, asking for him. She thought I was his fucking sister! Hissister, dressed in his hockey jersey! What is it with you hockey guys? You like stupid girls for the eye candy?!”

I look at Hunter, and he’s walking toward us slowly. Brock walks off, seemingly trying to avoid the drama in front of him.

“Taya, take a breath, love. What does Jake have to do with what’s going on between you and Hunter? You should be slappinghim, notmyboyfriend.”

While I love that Leia is defending me right now, I can admit that I’m not completely innocent in all of this. Taya doesn’t seem to be having it.

“Oh, stop it, Leia. You know guys talk about everything with each other. They’re ‘brothers’, remember? And I bet you he knowsexactlywhat I’m talking about.”

I gulp at that. Just then, Hunter walks over to try to defuse the situation. “Babe, look...youneedto calm down.”

Dude, what the fuck? That’s the best he’s got? I gotslapped.

Suddenly, Taya begins hitting him and screaming. “Youasshole! I hate you! You brought me to fuckingSlovakiajust tocheaton me?! Fuckyou!” Her hits do not stop, and it scares me to see her like this. I look at Leia and see her looking off with a pensive stare.

“Taya! Babe, it’s not like that!”

“Then what’s it like?! You’re done with me now, or is it just a fantasy? Why thefuckam I even here right now, Hunter?” It’s a good question. She puts her hands on her hips as she waits for his answer. I look to Hunter, hoping toGodhe can fix this. He’s looking down at the ground for what seems like forever before he looks up at her in a sign of defeat. He has nothing to say. “Just what I thought. Fuck you, Hunter. And fuck you too, Jake.” She storms off, leaving me, Leia, and Hunter standing in silence.

I look at Leia again, and it’s freaking me out to see her silent, emotionless. I gulp before walking closer to her. “Allie, baby, I can explain—”

She puts her hand up to stop me. She looks up, and I see the tears in her eyes. I reach to wipe them away, but she swipes my hand.