Page 74 of King Larson

ME:Kinda figured. What’s going on?

SARAH:He’s dancing with some blond girl. U guys r still together, right???

I close my eyes in annoyance. He’s dancing with a local girl.Fuck me. The tears start to build in my eyes. I fucking hate Jake Larson.

ME:What club are you and Taya going to next?


What a night. I finally got to spend a night in Bratislava.

No stress, no worries about my hip, and no one to tell me what to do. That’s the joy of not having to be on campus; no one can tell you what the fuck to do.

I hung out with Hunter, Brock, and Taya. Sarah seemed to be standoffish the entire night, so I’m not sure what that was about. The only person missing was Leia, and it sort of bothered me. I hadn’t seen her all day—mostly my fault—and I was expecting to atleastsee her come out with the girls.

I figured she wanted her space after what happened last night. I’m back in the hotel room, expecting to see Leia and apologize for not texting her all day. So you can guess how surprised I was to see she wasn’t in the room. Where could she have possibly gone?

Maybe downstairs to get some snacks.

I probably missed her as I was coming up.

I’m out of the shower in fifteen minutes when I realize it’s now past midnight, and she’s still not back. Surely, getting snacks downstairs doesn’t takethislong. I try texting her.

But I hear nothing back.

I text her again.

And I still hear nothing back.

What the fuck gives? It’s 1:52 a.m. Why isn’t she texting? I’m starting to think something’s happened to her. I’m close to dialing the Slovak police as I look for their number in the phonebook before the door opens and Leia walks through it.

She’s wearing a very revealing tube dress, with her hair in a low bun. I’d find it sexy if it weren’t for the fact she hasn’t been texting.

“Leia, what the fuck?”

Her eyes shoot up to mine, and she startsgiggling. Not a drunk giggle, either. It’s more like she’s embarrassed to be caught. “Sorry, Larson, I didn’t realize you’d be back so soon. How was your night?”

Is she serious right now? I can’t imagine what my face looks like, but I’m sure it looks like I want to strangle her. “Leia, where the hell were you? I’ve texted like four times.”

She rolls her eyes as she slips her heels off. “Out, Larson. I wentout. Just like you went out and didn’t tell me.” She gives me a spiteful glare before walking into the bathroom.

“Is that what this is about?” I walk into the bathroom as she takes pins out of her hair. “You were mad I didn’t tell you I went out?” If that’s what this is about, why couldn’t she justtextme?

“Madwould denote that I cared, Larson. You’re free to do whatever you want, remember? We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend. ” She’s starting to piss me off with this subliminal message bullshit.

“Will you stop with that? What the fuck do you want from me, Leia?!” I don’t mean to yell at her, but what the hell? I’m tired of her not being clear about what she wants.

“I want you to be aman, Larson! You went out tonight and didn’t tell me. You couldn’t even send a simpletextduring the day! I haven’t seen you sincelast night, and I have to learn from Sarah that the guy I’m ‘dating’ is at a nightclub, bumping uglies with a random local! So fuck you!” She screeches and bolts past me, out of the bathroom. I wanted to be stress-free tonight, and look at this, I’mdrowningin stress.

“Maybeyouneed to be awoman, Allie, and be clear about what you want. I’m not a fucking mind reader! If you want to be official, why don’t you just fucking say it?!” I can’t keep dancing around this passive aggressive behavior from her.

She gives me a challenging look as she steps out of her dress.

“Ineed to be a woman? Jake, who asked me on this trip? You practicallybeggedme to come with you, and you can’t even do me the courtesy of asking me out!”

I don’t even know what we’re arguing about anymore. Is this about labels or not asking her out? “Christ, Allie, what do you want? What thefuckdo you want?!”

“Nothing, Jake! I want nothing from you, except to be honest and just say you don’t want to be with me!”