Page 70 of King Larson

That’s complete bullshit. I don’t know the guy. He’s a fucking transfer fromIllyria. He hasn’t put in enough game time to even beconsideredto be captain.

“He’s an unproven rookie on the team, Coach. The fact that you even put him as my substitute is insulting,” I growl.

“Hold on one second, Larson. Whose team is this?” I’m immediately annoyed. Rolling my eyes, I don’t even dignify that with an answer. “Whoseteam, son?”

“Yours,” I mumble. This is so fuckingdumb.

“Exactly. So I choose who’s captain and who’s not. Because you are injured and simply cannot play until the last game series, I’ve rightly appointed Bigsby as team captain until you are back. Discussion closed.” I’m being dramatic, I know. But this ismyteam, too. If we lose because of something as inconsequential as a change in team captain, I’ll be very pissed. We don’t have enough legroom to lose. “Since you’re here, I wanted to talk about something else since it’s been brought to my attention.”

I frown. “What’s wrong?”

There’s something else? Bracing myself, I wait for his response. The pause is giving me anxiety. “Your teammates are telling me you’re seeing Miss Leia Walton.”Of course they did, the bastards.

“Yeah, I am. What’s the problem?”

“Nothing, she’s a very nice girl.” the issue is? “But the track coach isn’t okay with it.”

My heart stills hearing that. “Coach Venus? What’s her deal?”

“She thinks Miss Walton has lost focus on the track. She had a problem with her coming to Europe in the first place, but now she says Leia’s been off her workouts and is worried her performance on the track in the spring will suffer.”

I gulp, anticipating what he’s gonna say next. “I’ve seen her train. Trust me, no girl with her skill can become distracted.” This conversation seems very personal, and it makes me uncomfortable. Why are they worried about our personal lives?

“Well, I’ll be sure to tell her how much faith you have in her runner. But she still isn’t satisfied.”

I frown at that. “Well, I’m not gonna stop seeing her, soooo...whyare we talking about this?” This is a weird conversation. I’ve been chasing this girl for literally a year.

There’s a moment of pause. I’m holding my breath, waiting for what’s next.

“Miss Walton is being forced to sit out for the rest of this season.”