Page 69 of King Larson

“You never come to my games, babe. Only one, but I didn’t even know you were in the crowd,” he tries to joke.

But I can tell it hurts him that I don’t come to his games more often. I didn’t think it mattered.How could you not think it mattered, idiot?

“I’m so sorry, Jake. I’ll be there from now on.”

He smiles again and gently pecks me. I almost say the words. But I can’t.

It’s hours later in the night, and I’m staring at him sleep like a creeper.Jake Larson. He’s handsome, strong, mysterious...everything that drew me to him. The brooding hockey captain with the chiseled face. And he likes me. But he’s a temptation…

Okay, God. I see what you’re doing. It’s not going to work, though. I’m an engineering majorandan athlete. I’ve got Coach Venus having me work out every week, and my professors have me hunched over a computer screen at weird hours of the day with useless homework. Now’s not the time to fall in love.Definitelynot the time.

I mean, he can be condescending, he’s violent, he’s brooding, he’s an ass, he’s not the guy for me...but he’s mine.

A year and I’m dating him.

He’s so hard to read.

He’s gentle, so delicate he might break.

Isit going to work?


My fucking hip is shot. One week into the European trip, and I’m already a failure.

“One more, Larson, and then you’re done. Come on,” my physical therapist says. I do five more leg curls before I stop. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the gym. “Good job. Take a break.”Fuck yeah I will.

I limp over to my gym bag and take a swig of water. Hunter and Brock are doing a triceps workout when I walk over.

“How’s the hip, Captain?” Brock lets out a harsh breath when he finishes his last rep.

“It’s all right, I guess. I just want to get back on the ice again.” I honestly do. They said one week, but then extended it until the end of the month because of my most recent x-ray. I can’t say I’m not pissed off because that ruined the rest of my trip. That means I’ll only be able to play twelve games instead of twenty-four before the final ceremony next month.

“We miss you out there, bro. Bigsby’s in your spot until you come back.” Connor Bigsby? What the fuck?

“What the fuck do you meanBigsby’sin my spot now? Coach put him there?”

Hunter finishes his last rep before joining the conversation. “Yeah, Coach thought I’ve been sucking too much lately to be Captain,” he says, rolling his eyes. I bite my tongue. Hunter’s my guy, but he’s not any better than Connor. Brock has the same idea as he tries to hide his laugh. “What?”

“Dude, you couldn’t even lead the team if you had us all on aleash. Your point is moot.” Hunter is clearly not amused as he flips us off and walks back to the triceps machine. I’m still stuck on the fact that Coach put an unproven junior—androokie—in my place. Why not Brock? Brock’s an awesome forward, so I don’t get why he would overlook him.

I shouldn’t be stressing over bullshit like this. This injury fucked up my entire trip. I’m supposed to be touring the city with Leia and enjoying playing the game I love. Instead, I’m battling to even keep a spot on the team. This entire thing is fucked.

“Where’s Coach? He’s in his room?” I need to talk to him. If I’m not able to compete, I want to at least know that my team is winning and being led appropriately.

I’mtheir leader. And he puts a junior as my substitute? That’s a big ‘fuck you’ to my face.

I’m at Coach’s hotel room in record time on a bum hip. I texted him to let him know I’m on my way up, and he replied that he wanted to see me anyway.

Good. That just makes this much easier.

I knock on his door, and he opens it shortly after. He looks like he’s having a shitty day. Story of my life. I’m taking all sorts of hits lately.

“Come on in, son.” His room even looks like shit. Here, I thought he was an organized guy. But this looks like my frat house every Friday night. Ignoring it, I just sit at the table across from his bed. “What did you come here to talk about?”

“Coach, what’s going on?” He gives me a confused look. “You putConnor Bigsbyas Captain until I come back? What the fuck were you thinking?” I shouldn’t be cursing at him, but I don’t give a shit. He knows it’s nothing personal. I’m just pissed off.

“Connor’s been playing a good game lately, Larson. His stats have improved, and he’s shown me that he’s ready to lead.”