Page 60 of King Larson

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From friends to lovers. My life is now a romance novel.

As far as I’m concerned, I could be sleeping right now and not even notice. But I’ve pinched myself multiple times, and nothing’s changed, so it’s safe to say I’m seeing Jake Larson. It’s been a week, and it just feels unreal. We leave for Europe in two days, and that feelsveryunreal.

My track team had our last preseason meet yesterday, before the official track season starts in the spring. I was able to request going online for school so I could travel to Europe for Session B. My track coach knows I will be off-campus for the upcoming quarter and won’t be available for fall training, so she gave me a list of workouts to do while overseas to stay in shape for the season. The last step was convincing myparents.

Initially, they were not okay with me traveling to a different country without them. When I told them it’s just for a quarter and it’s to study abroad, they were hesitant, but they agreed that it was fine. As long as I stayed in contact. So now I’m committed to this Europe trip.

Jake was happy to hear the news. Taya and Sarah are going on the trip as well for...obvious reasons. Of course, Coach Venus was annoyed that we were going abroad for an entire quarter, but she knows she can’t say, ‘No you can’t miss fall training.’

Things are falling into place, and I couldn’t be happier.

“I can’t believe you’re braiding my hair.” Leave it to Jake Larson to do uncanny stuff like this.

We’re in my dorm right now, trying to watch Netflix. I’m lying on his lap, trying to find a show, but his fingers running through my hair is distracting.

“Your hair is braiding hair. And I need an excuse to touch it.” And there he goes saying sweet stuff again.

“Whatever you say, Larson.”

“Hey, don’t back-talk me, Allie,” he says, spanking me.

I freeze. “Did you justspankme?”

“Yes, and I will do it again if you don’t stop questioning me.”

“Fine, I won’t question you.”

This visibly confuses him. “You don’t want me spanking you?”

I can’t help but chuckle at that. “Your hands are like rocks. I think I’m okay,” I try.

I’m not into spanking kinks, and I’m prepared for him to be weirded out by that. Instead, he laughs at me. “You’re so different from other girls.”

“I thought you knew that by now.”

I just sit and close my eyes. His fingers feel so good, going through my hair. I never thought I’d be so content with a meathead hockey player playing with my hair.

“I do. My mom didn’t raise an idiot.”

His mom. This is the first time I’m hearing about her. In fact, this is the first time he’severbrought his family up to me.

“Tell me about your mom.”

He freezes, sitting in silence before slowly braiding my hair again.

“She was a great woman. Practically raised me alone, thanks to my deadbeat father.”

I look up at him and see an intensity etched on his face. “Do you want to talk about your dad? Or is that a sensitive subject?”

I try to tread lightly, but that doesn’t sit well with him.

“I’m not sure if I want to go into that right now, to be honest. I’m sorry.” He goes stoic again, and it worries me.

Fuck, Leia. Way to make him feel uncomfortable.

I reach up and kiss his cheek as he closes his eyes. His dad may be a story for another day.