Page 5 of King Larson

“Dude, why do you care? You never care about girls. At least not in aromanticway.”

“Who says I care about her in a romantic way?” Loud laughter is the response I get, causing her and her friends to look back at us. We lock gazes for a couple of seconds, and she almost looks...enamored. As am I with her. Just my luck, her boy-toy grabs her hand again and leads her down the beach as the girls walk with them. I roll my eyes. “Can we leave? I’m tired.”

Hunter scoffs, “Yeah, more like you’re a jealous mess.”

He’s fucking right. “What makes you say that?”

“Dude, I’m failing math, not fucking sociology. It’s my minor, goddammit.” Hunter isn’t exactly a dumb guy, to his credit. He’s just an idiot. “We should probably start heading back, anyway. Practice is in an hour.” Thank God.


Here I am, thinking about a guy…

Who probably has prettier girls to think about. I mean, look at him. He’s a freaking barbarian. And yet it’s a look that shouldn’t affect me as much as it does.

He saved me. It was...exhilarating, kissing a guy like him.

Nick’s droning on and on about how he was scared for me is the only thing keeping me from thinking about Jake.

“Leia? Are you okay?” I need to get a grip. He’s genuinely concerned.

“I’m fine, Nick,” I sigh. “I’m alive and well.”

He gives me a shocked look. “Are you being serious right now? You have a freaking drowning scare, and you don’t expect me to worry about you?” I. Told. Him. I. Can’t. Swim.

“I told you I can’t swim. In fact, I toldeveryoneI can’t swim. I only go as far as I can into the water.” I love the water. I mean, who doesn’t? I’ve just never cared enough to learn how to swim.

“You mean you haven’t learned how to swim?” he asks incredulously.

I only shrug. “I never got into it.” He just sighs, kisses my cheek, and runs off. Man after my own heart.


The texts from the guys are coming in like wildfire.

Brock:Where r u?

Hunter:You can’t call back now?

Connor:Coach is on ur nuts, dude...

Right, like I fucking care right now. The whole interaction at the beach is screwing with my head, and I need a break from everyone. Drowning myself in beer and hockey just seemed like the obvious choice.

I may be drowning in them too much, because it takes me a while to realize someone’s knocking at the door.Maybe if I just stay quiet, they’ll go away.But, shit, my car’s outside. They must’ve seen it too because they aren’t going away as another knock sounds at the door. Sighing, I put my beer down and open it.

It’s her, smiling up at me with that gorgeous smile of hers, holding a teddy bear.Shit.

“Hey,” she says shyly.

“Hi,” I say, equally shy. I’m Jake Larson, I don’t get fuckingshy. I mumble a curse, but she only chuckles.

“I know you’re probably wondering why I’m at your frat. I kinda asked around and some guys redirected me here, I am!” The words come out in such a whirlwind; it takes a second to realize what she said. She asked about me? It’s weird that it excites me.

“Did you drive here?”And alone?

She nods slowly. “Yeah, this is a thank-you gift. For saving me.” I can’t help but notice what she’s wearing. Another pair of what girls call spandex and a tank top. Boy, why did she have to come here? “Um, I got it from the university store.”

“Thanks...” I press the button on the bear, and it says,You are bear-y nice. The thing makes me laugh. There’s shit like this at our school store? “This is cute.”