Page 35 of King Larson

Rolling my eyes, I turn around to face her. What did she expect me to drink? I have a meet Friday, and I don’t drink alcohol.

“I don’t live life on the edge. I do clean eating and drinking.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever. If you’re gonna be a weirdo, just...pretend you don’t know me, all right?”

Who hired her to be the welcoming committee? Because she kind of sucks at it.

“Yes ma’am,” I deadpan. She rolls her eyes and walks off. Great, college is turning out to be a great time...lies.

I silently curse Taya for deciding to stay in the dorms tonight. I should’ve stayed with her. But I wanted a night out. Nick has cross country training, so I’m here alone. With the horrible peer guide.

I look across the fraternity, and it’s just a bunch of horny college kids making out against the wall, people surrounding a dude slurping a drink from a girl’s belly button, guys dry humping girls to terrible rap music...Mr. Jake Larson already in my line of sight. Some brunette is bending over, rubbing her ass over his crotch. And he’s pushing her back down and rubbing his crotch over her. The scene makes me sick and sad at the same time. Quickly ready to ditch the party, I accidentally back into someone.

“Whoa! Are you okay?” Turning around, I come face to face with Nick. What the hell?

“Nick! What are you doing here?”

“Oh hey, babe! I didn’t know you’d be here. One of my friends invited me. He’s in this frat, remember?”

Well yeah, I remember. But he told me he was preoccupied for the night with practice. He’s never lied about that before. If practice was canceled, he would’ve told me and asked me to meet him here...

“Well yeah...but you told me you had practice tonight.”

He just gives me a small smile before shaking his head, brushing it off.

“Practice got canceled. So I just decided to come hang out on Greek Row. I’m going party hopping tonight. You wanna join?”

So practice got canceled, but he couldn’t invite me here. What’s worse, he didn’tknowI’d be here tonight. I’m not sure why, but this makes me uncomfortable.

“Actually, I’m okay. I’m just really thirsty right now, so I’m gonna grab a drink,” I say, trying to walk away from him. He wanted to be alone tonight. Well, I’ll leave him alone.

“Well, that can be arranged,” he says, super cheery. Without another thought, he leads me back into the kitchen.


What the hell is he doing here?

What isshedoing here? Why didn’t she tell me she was going to be here tonight? And why is he leading her into the kitchen?

“Larson, what’s up with you?”

I look at the girl that’s dancing oh-so scandalously on my crotch.

“I have to go.”

I walk into the kitchen, ignoring whatever response she gives. Sandy or Sara can find someone else who’s willing to dance right now. I’m too preoccupied.

I walk into the kitchen and spot them talking near the fridge. Her gaze lands on me, and her face goes from happy to got a girl to be scared of you. Her expression must make him turn around.

“Do you need something, bro?”

I cock an eyebrow. “Don’t talk to me like it was an invitation,bro.” What does she see in this guy, honestly? He’s such an asswipe.

“Well, you’re obviously over here for a reason. So what is it?” I look around him to the girl who’s probably going to destroy me. She doesn’t look the least bit excited to see me.

“Can we talk?”

We both look at her expectantly. She looks between us before answering.Please...