Page 32 of King Larson

This is not how I wanted this to go. “Jake, please. I don’t wanna fight with you.”

“Then don’t, Leia. But I’m not gonna agree to hide how I feel about you.” How he feels?

“What does that mean?”

He’s staring at me for almost a century before letting out a sigh and running his hand through his hair.

“I’ll try again. Would you like me to stop talking to you?” What? That’s not...

“That’s not what I said, Jake.”

“You said we shouldn’t talk.”

“When he’s around,Jake.” Why is he freaking out about this? He’s fuming, and the look scares me. Jake is already the size of a lumberjack, but his face is its own weapon. The scar above his eyebrow highlights further as his eyebrows dip down, and his blue eyes are the most piercing things when he’s angry. His nose is flaring, and he looks like he wants to punch something. I clear my throat and gulp before speaking. “Larson—”



“Yes. I’ll respect your boyfriend’s emotions.” His sarcasm tells me everything I need to know about his feelings toward Nick.

“Still friends?”

He’s calmed down a bit, but he still has a slight grimace that could freeze the hearts of men.

“Still friends, babydoll.” All right. There it is. That confirmation hurt more than it should have. But I’ll take it. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop flirting.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else from a playboy.”

He chuckles at that, but I can tell he’s still upset. And there it is. The most awkward five seconds before he clears his throat.

“I guess I’ll see you around, Leia.” He gives me an ingenuine smile before leaning forward. My stomach drops suddenly and then eases as he kisses me on the cheek. A gentle kiss on the cheek. From fiery Larson. He gives me another look before leaving through the door.