Page 2 of King Larson

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I have to know her.

See, the thing is, she has the body of a woman. But by God, my eyes can’t stop looking at that baby face. And then it hits me; she just might be jailbait. And I swear I’m going straight to hell for even looking at her. But those legs. Thosegoddamnedmuscular legs. They’re the kind that could ride you fordays. I can only picture them wrapped around me. What I wouldgiveto have those babies wrapped about me.Yep, straight to hell I go.

“Sooooo girly,” her brunette friend says, giggling. “I know it’s a couple of months away, but have you thought about what you wanna do for your seventeenth?”

Shit. I could’ve gone my whole life—hell, my wholeafternoon—thinking she was actually eighteen and just looks young for her age. I’m a twenty-year-old college junior and look toooldfor my age.Why did you eavesdrop? Jail-fucking-bait indeed.

“Sixteen,” I mumble, causing my buddy Hunter to chuckle. I mumble a curse, realizing he was also eavesdropping. He knows the source of my distress.

He slaps me on the shoulder and joins my other buddy Brock and Rubenstein’s newest defenseman, Connor, in a conversation about...I have no fucking idea. Nor do I care. My eyes refuse to leave the centerfold body in front of me, most specifically those legs.

But it has to be that ass. Thatgrabbableass. Two perfect globes. It doesn’t help that she’s wearing tight shorts either. She has one of those hella tight shorts those athletic girls wear.

“Dude, Coach is gonna be riding our asses when he finds out we’re drinking before fucking practice,” says Brock, taking a swig from a Bud Light bottle. But again, the mystery girl is like a magnet to my eyes.

Maybe I’m staring a little too long, because one of her friends makes eye contact with me. The redhead cocks an eyebrow and smiles as if she caught me drooling.I’m willing to bet she did. She leans in to whisper to my mystery girl, and I turn around, feeling nervous as hell.Welp. Time to get my ass kicked. By a hot brunette with an equally hot bod.

It takes me a minute to notice the guys are halfway up the stairs, leading to my Jeep. Shit. I’ve been dedicating my time to being a fucking pervert. I manage to catch up with them. No way am I about to get slapped for staring at a sixteen-year-old’s ass.A beautiful ass.

“Jake, you occupied?” Hunter’s voice breaks into my thoughts. I whip my head around as we approach my Jeep. Clearing my throat, I, unwittingly, adjust my crotch. Hunter’s eyes are laser-focused on me, so I stupidly pass it off as I’m scratching it. Key word,stupidly.Way to fucking go, dude. Hunter chortles before asking, “Is it itchy? Bro, you have something to tell us?”

I roll my eyes. “Classic comedian. Hurry up and grab the ball.” We stand near my Jeep as Hunter grabs the beach ball from the backseat and I can still see her from up here. She’s so tiny compared to those other girls, it has my mind racing. I’m 6’2 and pretty huge compared to this tiny, athletic girl. It turns me on something fierce.

I watch as she plays with someone’s dog and dances to music playing on her phone. All at the damn beach. The scene makes me smile. She’s giving me free-spirit vibes, and I love it.

“He’s staring at the girl with the nice legs down there.” Brock points. I roll my eyes. So the bastard’salsobeen watching me. Why can’t these fuckers leave me alone and let me admire in peace?Because you look pathetic.

And then it happens. She turns around and makes eye contact with me. No, she fucking staresback. Goddammit, my heart speeds up, sending a jolt of heat through my body. I expect her to yell. Hell, maybe flip me off. But she doesn’t; she simply smiles. Fuckingsmiles. At me, the guy who screws like it’s a habit and who uses girls like objects. But it’s not even the fact alone that she’s smiling. It’s the look in her eyes. She looks at me as if she sees her Prince Charming. Like I’m the only thing keeping her happy at this moment. I suddenly have this weird urge to keep that look in her eyes.

“Yeah, he’s distracted.”

“Maybe we should thump him...”

“Dudes, our captain is getting all googly-eyed over a girl. The world must be ending.” That last comment was Hunter’s annoying ass. I break out of my trance and glare at the idiots called my teammates.

“The same captain that’ll tell Coach to make us do triple running drills at practice if you don’t shut the hell up,” I say, making them groan. That’s what I thought. I take one more glance at her and swig from my bottle. “Who are those girls down there?” I try to motion nonchalantly. Hunter looks down at the girls and looks back at us, shrugging.

“My buddy on the cross-country team is one of their camp counselors. They’re high school track girls. At Rubenstein for some speed camp, and they go on field trips. They’ve been coming to the beach all week.” So that explains why there were a bunch of coaches down there. They are all here to let loose from practice. I know what that’s like. It’s hard practicing at the intensity needed to succeed, but this girl’s body shows that none of it is painful.

“You’ve been looking at the one in the purple shorts. What gives?” Brock gives me a knowing smirk. Fucking Brock. I hate it when he reads me.

“I like her ass.” They laugh at me like what I said was stupid. Which it probably was, but I don’t care. It’s the truth.

“She looks kinda young, dude. They all do.Hot, but young.” I roll my eyes. And overhearing one of her friends proving just that bruised my soul.

“She’s sixteen.” If only I could magically make her older. Boy, what I would give to have that superpower. Brock gives me a look that accusescreeper.“The brunette said so,” I say, realizing I sound like a kid tattle-tailing.

“You want her,” Hunter adds. Shit. “I get it. She’s hot. But I don’t think you want to go down that road. She’s one of those focused types, the kind who’s looking for the right guy.” I frown.

“How the fuck do you know that?” Is it possible he’s talked to her already?

He cocks an eyebrow. “I know a good girl when I see one. And besides, my buddy said they get up at 5 a.m. to train at the beach,” he deadpans. “That alone should tell you they’re not worried about horny hockey players.” I already know she’s a good girl. The bubbly personality gave it away. But those things along with a rockin’ bod is a deadly combo when I’m concerned.

“So what you’re saying is she’s too good for me?” My eyes somehow find her again, still dancing with her friends. I haven’t even spoken to the girl, but I can tell that rings true. I’m pretty sureanygirl is too good for me.