Page 152 of King Larson

“Leia, what the hell is going on?” Her tone is worried now.

“You know that girl, Stephanie?”

She immediately rolls her eyes at the mention of her name. “Who doesn’t?”

The disgusted intonation in that makes me want to laugh, but it doesn’t deter me from shivering at what I’m about to tell her. Swallowing, I continue. “I overheard her and Nick talking,” I whisper. “And there’s a good chance he assaulted me. Drugged and assaulted me, really.” Bringing it up again makes my stomach churn.

Her face drains of color. “What?!” she screeches, making the entire living room glance at us before going back to their own ways. “What the fuck doesthatmean?!”


“That little screwboytouchedyou?!” I’m starting to sweat as she continues freaking out. “Have you told Jake yet?”

This is what I was afraid of. “No, I didn’t.”

Her eyebrows shoot up in disbelief. “Leia, youhaveto tell him.” I shake my head frantically.

“I can’t,” I choke out.

“So you’re just gonna let that bastard get away with it?” I flinch.

“Not exactly.”

She gives me a questioning look and opens her mouth to say something before the sounds ofwoosbrings our attention away.

We look in the kitchen and, to my horror, I find Taya lying on the kitchen counter and a random guy’s lips on her belly button.Dude. Groaning my annoyance, I stand to get her up as people begin to take their phones out to film. Before I can, Kris stops me.

“This is not over by along shot, Leia,” she chides.

Gulping, I nod and walk away. I can’t deal with this right now. Running over to the kitchen, I panic as flashes start to take over the kitchen.

“Taya, party time’s over,” I start.

She’s giggling and reaching for the guy’s face when Jake suddenly appears over her, throwing the guy off of her.

“Hey!” she protests, pushing Jake. But he’s a mountain of muscle.

He rolls his eyes, picks her up, and throws her over his shoulder. “Fun time’s over, everyone. As you were,” Jake remarks.

They all protest, making me roll my eyes.

Jake is walking out the kitchen with Taya over his shoulder, beating on his back. He’s at the stairs and pauses. He turns, meeting my gaze, as if he were expecting me to watch. I mouth athank youto him, and he responds with a small smile before disappearing upstairs.

I don’t know how he’s going to fix this, but I’ll take anything right now. After what’s happened to me, I shouldn’t trust him with her.

But it’s Jake. For some reason, I trust him more than anyone I know.


Taya is snoring on Hunter’s bed long before I make it out of his room.

The girl has had a ton to drink tonight, clearly. Hunter was pissed off with what he was seeing and, instead of intervening, he asked me to do it so he could avoid a protesting Taya.Not that she didn’t protest me, at all. Her punches on my back were like pebbles thrown at a window.The fights these girls put up.I chuckle at the thought.

I make it downstairs after tucking her in and locking the door. He has a worried look on his face when he doesn’t see her.

“She’s good, dude. She fell out like five minutes ago. Let her rest.”

He lets out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, bro. That shit was...hard to watch.”