Page 13 of King Larson

“So what’s new, guys?” Macy, an old friend, asks as she plops down across from me. I instantly remember we’re at lunch on the first day of senior year. Hopefully I can put summer behind me and start anew.

“Leia here caught the eye of some college guy.” But Taya will not allow that to happen.

I whip my head around to her. “Taya! Really?”

She only shrugs and gives Macy a knowing smile.

“Wait, what? I thought you were dating Nick. Do tell, please.” Macy leans forward, popping a grape in her mouth.

“There’s nothing to tell. Nick and I are still together...kind of.” They both raise their eyebrows at me. “Look, Jake’s some guy I met at the beach, and we’d been hanging outas friends.”

If hanging out was the proper phrase for it. Nick and I aren’t official, but making out Jake still felt like I was cheating on Nick.

“Oh my God, that does not sound likenothing! You’re dating a freakingcollegeguy! I thought I’d never see the day.”

Suddenly, I wish Sarah didn’t have an art class right now.

“Yeah, while talking about me seems like a fun activity for you guys, can we not do it?”

“Oh no! You have to tell me what it’s like to date a college guy! Has he popped the cherry yet?” For the love of...

“Keep your voice down, and no!”

Just like that, the bell rings. I immediately get up and throw my food away.Start anew, they said.Make some friends, they said. Yeah, right.

Nine Months Later...

Ahh, no more high school. I can’t wait to attend Rubenstein this fall. I look at my old notebooks on my desk as Taya, Sarah, and I prepare for our school quarterback’s graduation party tonight. I’m finally saying goodbye. College is on its way, and I’mmorethan excited.


I knew I was King freshman year.

But I know forsureI am come this senior year. We just won hockey championships. The trophy sits nicely in the campus’s glass house. It’s historic.We’rehistoric. And now, it’s gotten worse. Because there’s a line of people outside of our fraternity. People holding Sharpies and yearbooks.Girlsholding Sharpies. Ten girls just asked me to sign their boobs. Here comes the fucking new year.

One summer later...


Here we are...a year later. And I’m back at the beach with my boys. We’re just throwing around a volleyball with a group of girls when déjà vu hits me; the track girls are back. Each one—all unbelievably hot—walk down the stairs to the beach with loud music playing. Some blond girl is dancing wildly to rap music, and the other girls join her. Then I see mystery girl from last summer.Leia.

She’s wearing a light blue bikini and laughing with the girls as she starts dancing too. God, she’s so gorgeous. She pulls her ponytail out, and jet-black waves flow down her back. She runs up to the same redhead from last year, whispers something in her ear, and they begin laughing. They’re here. Now the party’s getting started.


No one loves the summer sun more than me.

And whoever says they do are liars. I can’t resist the sun. And even though my skin is as almond it can get, it’s good to have the sun. I’m thinking about the sun too much. Let’s think about the fact that I’m at the beach with my track girls and coaches, and the water looks scrumptious. Just like this bag of Skittles I brought to the beach. And just like those college guys playing volleyball. Ohman, who are they? I try to get a good look, but my heart stops when I remember last summer here.

Mr. Jake Larson. The rustic, lumberjack, hockey superstar. I wonder how he’s doing. It’d been a while since we spoke. A full year, I think. We kind of ended on bad terms, so I wasn’t expecting to see him again. But if I’m going to Rubenstein this fall, my chances of seeing him are pretty high. Which just makes my heart skip a beat.

“She’s doing it again,” Sarah’s voice behind me says. I roll my eyes.

“She’s having a moment. Give her some time,” Taya tries—but fails—to whisper.

“Yeah, and you guys are ruining it.”

Sarah continues dancing with everyone as her music plays while I just bask in the water. The sun. The water. The sand. Everything is falling into place.