“Deke, holy shit.” She bites down along my neck, pussy fluttering around my dick, pulling me closer to the edge.

“I’m coming inside you, sunshine. Come with me,” I groan out. My body locks up, trying to hold back until she’s on the edge, too, and when I’m coated in wetness once again, I know it’s happening, and I come right along with her, spraying my cum inside her, claiming Kelsey in more ways than one.



“I shouldn’t feel like this about you so soon,” I admit. It’s the next morning. I’m lying on Deke’s chest, my fingers playing along the length of his chest. Last night was a lot, heavy in some aspects, freeing in others for the both of us, so much so that after that first round, we barely made it inside before greedily grabbing one another, completely naked that time. The only time we let one another up was to satisfy the grumbling of our stomachs. Even then, we ordered pizza, ate it naked in bed, and continued on well through the night.

“Why do you say that?” Deke’s hands stop massaging my scalp. He’s given me everything, proved what needed to be proven in all the ways that matter. Deacon Hart has staying power. I never saw it coming, not after that disastrous weekend we spent together the last time we were in Florida. It feels like months or years when in fact it’s only been weeks.

“I’m not sure. It’s against the grain. Not normal maybe? And no, I’m not thinking about the shit Emily will sling my way once I tell her that I, Kelsey Michelle Hawkins, am falling hopelessly in love with you, Deacon Hart.” I hold my breath, stopping my fingers from trailing their path. A part of me was tempted to go lower, maybe with my hand on his cock. If Deke doesn’t respond, it’s because the orgasm I’m giving him has made him lose all of his senses. “Too soon?” I say instead because what if it is? What if even after everything last night, we weren’t on the same page after all?

“I’m trying to come up with the right words. Gotta say, it’s hard to do that with your naked body pressed against mine, my cock hard and aching. Your leg resting across my lap. Knowing one small movement, and I’d be inside you.” I tip my head up, my breath halting, nipples pebbling even harder, and I swear the wetness that was simmering above the surface is way past that now.

“I love the idea of that, and I could totally help because, you know, climbing on top and riding you would not be a hardship in the least.” This time when I go lower to where the sheet is covering Deke’s lower stomach, his hand stops me.

“Not happening, not yet at least. I’m going to lay it all out for you. Yes, this is fast. No, I didn’t see it coming. It doesn’t stop it from happening, though. If anything, it just intensifies what’s between us, and while you may be falling in love with me, I’m already there. One day soon, my ring will be on your finger, our worlds will combine, and maybe one day, we’ll have kids, maybe not. I’m not opposed to it, but it’s not something we’ve talked about either.” And the girl who doesn’t cry, what does she do? Well, she cries. I’m talking sobbing, and not the pretty kind. After last night and the way Candice did him so, so dirty, I figured the kid part was off the table. I was physically mourning the possibility of him not creating a life. Deke would be a spectacular father. He’s so protective of his family, I could only imagine if he had children, especially a little girl, they would be his world.

“I’m not sure this is the effect I was after when I poured my heart out. At least tell me, are they happy tears, or are you mourning that you could be stuck with me for the rest of your life?” Okay, who has taken over Deacon’s body? I’m crying, yet my shoulders are quaking with laughter. The next thing that will happen is I’ll snort. That would really be the icing on top.

“Happy tears. I’m so damn happy.” I cup his jaw, ready to move so I’m on top of him. With one solid movement, I’m on my back, thighs cradling his big body. “And about children, those are a yes. Maybe not for a couple of years, though. You’ve got some years on me, and, well, there’s Beach Babe. I’d like to make her a smashing success, which she kind of is already, but getting the online part up and running while keeping up with the stock, that’s a goal of mine and Em’s.” Deke isn’t that much older than me, only a few years, so while I’m twenty-four to his twenty-seven, I still want us on the same page.