“When you said broke your collarbone, was it because of the sport or to be a dick?” Deke’s smile tugs on his lips.

“Why? You going beat him up for me?” An idea forms in my head.

“Nope, I’ll do one better. Emily can put some of her voodoo on the asshole. You know she will, too. Now, on purpose or not?” I reiterate. There’s a pin cushion in Emily’s future to use on this douche lord, whether Deke likes it or not.

“I can’t be sure. It’s the nature of the game. Shit can happen in a blink of an eye. I shrugged it off, attempted to, at least. I was in my senior year, out for the season with an injury. It wasn’t that I wanted to go pro, but I’d have liked to play in college. It set me back more than I’d like to admit, and that was only the tip of the iceberg. You see, Candice had just come to me earlier in the day, telling me she was pregnant. Tanner and Keller always pounded it into my head: ‘no glove, no love’. I wrapped my shit, always, making sure the condom didn’t break, and seeing that I went as far as to tie the used condom in a knot and take it with me to throw it in the trash, I wasn’t sure how it was possible, but she was my girlfriend. Why would she lie, right?” Deke takes a deep breath. All this going on while he’s still in high school, no wonder he had a chip on his shoulder the size of Gibraltar. Obviously, something happened. My stomach drops. Could Candice have had an abortion behind Deke’s back? Did she put the baby up for adoption? The possibilities are endless.

“I’d say your older brothers had all of their bases covered. Poor Emily, she was stuck with me, and entirely more worldly, too,” I joke, trying to ease the burden on Deke’s shoulders.

“Yeah, though I wouldn’t put it past Emily to teach you about the birds and the bees.” I watch as Deke’s thumb glides over his lower lip. He’s deep in thought. Me, though? I’m ready to climb into his lap and taste them.

“She tried. I shut her down. It took blackmail, but it worked.” I shrug my shoulders.

“I’ll bet. Anyways, as much as we weren’t ready for a baby, the idea of creating this beautiful bundle of joy mad me already fall half in love. That changed in the blink of an eye. The guy who wrecked my collarbone, it was him and Candice I walked in on two weeks later. Thankfully, I’d kept my mouth shut about her being pregnant. Since he was pistoning his hips in and out of my girlfriend, I was glued in place as Candice told Marky how I had no problem believing the lie. Apparently, the idea was to use my family name as well as the money that came along with it. Not like I had any access to it; Mom and Dad were finally at a place they could breathe easy. Tanner and Keller were still new and working on the construction company. I didn’t make my presence known, backed out, pulled money out of my account, saw an attorney, and hit Candice and Marky where they couldn’t touch my family.” His beer is empty. I scooch mine closer, allowing Deke to have the rest. He clearly needs it.

“Wait, did you ever tell your family what happened?” I ask, thinking to myself at his age, all I cared about was what next trend was hitting the store or which boy band was dropping a new song.

“Nope, they still don’t know. I acted like everything was going great. I made sure the family attorney knew this was supposed to stay between the two of us. Candice didn’t see the paternity test that was being subpoenaed and also a non-disclosure stating the whole truth. She signed it with tears in her eyes, probably thinking her money train left the station, and I didn’t see her again. Not at school, not until last night. Asa mentioned she was back in town, miserable and working as many jobs as she can and had three kids. Pretty sure he put some of the pieces together.” This time, I’m not staying away. My arms ache to wrap around his body. l want to absorb some of this pain he’s been carrying around for years.

“Deacon, I am so sorry a woman could do that to you. No, not a woman; a vile, evil conniving bitch of a human. And let me assure you, I’m going to be sitting right next to Emily when she works her crazy magic.” I straddle his lap, the inside of my thighs on the outside of his, our cores pressing against one another, our eyes locked, wanting him to see that I do not pity him, not in the least. Instead, I admire him. He kept himself locked away from women, and now I completely understand his reasoning.