“I’m not sure yet. Deke, do you know what you want?” My hand is in hers; she squeezes mine to get my attention.

“No, not yet.” I shake my head. I’m sure she can sense something is going on.

“How about a suggestion of your choice? This is our first time here, and we’ve yet to look at the menu,” Kelsey states, thankfully, because I’m trying to wrap my head around how my past is colliding with my future.

“I’ll give you guys a few moments instead,” Candice replies.

“Actually, Candice, can we change tables or ask for another waitress?” Kelsey’s eyes bulge out. It’s been weeks since I’ve been short and to the point around her.

“Okay, Deke, I can do that for you. I’m sorry.” She sounds defeated, but that’s not my problem. That’s on her. I’m not responding. The only person who matters is the woman in front of me. Her bright blue eyes are full of questions that deserve the answers I’m willing to give her. My hand squeezes hers lightly one last time, the other reaching for my beer that’s half full. I take a few long pulls. Meanwhile, Kelsey is patient, assessing to make sure I’m okay but giving me time all the same.

“Thanks, Kelsey.” She drops my hand, moving away. I guess there goes her giving me a minute. She’s out of her chair, and I figure she’s leaving, and she does, in fact, leave. I’m alone with my thoughts, wracking my brain on how to fix this. If I’d have told her the truth from the very beginning, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Fuck, if I had fixed my shit years ago, maybe things would be different. I take the last few sips of the beer that’s still in my hand, the other feeling numb without Kelsey’s warmth.

“Shit.” I stand up, pull out my wallet, and throw a twenty on the table. At least it’ll help another waitress out. The beers were paid for at the bar. Now it’s time for me to go after Kelsey.

“Hey, let’s go. I just told the hostess we wouldn’t need our table anymore.” Kelsey’s voice skates over my shoulder. A sigh of relief leaves me.

“You sure? We’ll stay. I’m not going to let one person ruin our night,” I say, turning around and cupping her cheek.

“Positive. How about we pick something up instead? We can eat it on the beach, and if you’d like to talk, well, I think it’s time I actually let you.” She wiggles her eyebrows before stating, “Then maybe you’ll give me your cock again. It’s been a lonely few weeks.”

“Yeah, I’ll tell you everything. Then, if you can forgive me, I’m going to end our night with sliding inside of you, not a fucking thing between us,” I respond.

“I’m not sure why you think I haven’t already forgiven you for being a ginormous dickhole, because it’s done and over with. You telling me about your past is more for you and less about me.” She lifts onto her toes, lips touching mine. They’re soft and sweet, so much like Kelsey.

“Let’s get out of here. I’ve got a woman to seduce,” I tease.

“Just who is that woman, Deacon Hart?” I laugh at her joke.

“There’s only woman who’s ever had my heart, and she’s standing right in front of me.” It’s an admission, but it’s also the truth.

“Well, then, I vote we leave this joint in the past. It kind of sucked, plus we’ve got better places to be.” I shake my head, holding in my laughter because only she can make the storm that’s raging all around me stop to a standstill.



We didn’t bother changing our clothes once we made it back to Deke’s condo. There was also the food we didn’t pick up. I wasn’t completely hungry as it was, worried about the feelings he was facing. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the woman named Candice was from his past; not that I knew the whole story as it is, but it was easy to decipher.

“Candice, the woman we saw tonight, I know her from high school,” Deke starts. We’re sitting on his balcony. The sun hasn’t set yet, due to us being back early, so I can see everything that’s written on his face. It’s not sadness in the least. Deacon Hart is content, and it’s a beautiful thing. Before, I’d seen him like this after sex, then over the past couple of weeks, it was like a light had switched, and things changed. His guard was down anytime I was around. “Sucks to say, but heard it from Asa that she was back in town, working two jobs, married to the dumb fuck who broke my collarbone on the football field. She has three mouths to feed, and the man of the house can’t keep a job. That’s also the asshole she cheated on me with.” He stops for a moment.