“I might have fucked up and broke the cardinal rule, though.” I look up to the ceiling, letting out a puff of air.

“Okay, well, I warned you about giving the man a blowjob. Did he ask you to Florida before or after said broken rule?”

“After. That’s not a coincidence, right? He wanted to talk before I dropped to my knees, but I shut him up, kind of like I’ve been doing all along.”

“I think you have Deke in the palm of your hand, but I also think he’s solid. I mean, even if he is an asshole, the only way you’re going to know the reason why he’s that way is to finally let him in,” Emily says.

“Okay, but who are you? Aren’t you the one and done, love ‘em and leave ‘em?” I ask. This conversation is going a completely different way than I thought it would.

“Yes, I am. That doesn’t mean you are, and that’s okay. I say fuck it, go to Florida, see what he’s got to say, get away from the stress of this place. The last time you went, it wasn’t as fun, and I know you were stressing about leaving me here to work it alone. We have Natalie now, so it’s not even like I’ll be here either unless there’s a massive issue, but let’s face it. Nat has got it going on, even with the bitchiest of customers.” I was ready to beat my head against the counter the other day when a lady came in requesting a refund when she clearly wore the garment, left the tag on, then asked for her money back. Our receipts clearly state we only refund if the fabric is faulty, not when there are deodorant stains as well as red wine stains down the skirt of the dress. I let Natalie handle it. She was calm and collected. The lady still left without a refund. We probably lost her business, but that was better than being swindled time and time again if word got around.

“Okay, I’m going. I’ll leave it open to interpretation, and maybe this time, he’ll actually fuck me.” Did I mention we’re pretty open with each other?

“There is that. Please tell me he reciprocated after you gave him the end-all be-all?” I give her a sly smile as my answer. We end up in a fit of laughter afterwards, and the stress on my shoulders is finally lifting.



“You do realize the only reason I agreed to this trip is because I know you won’t be able to resist me, right? I mean, your cock has to be dying with not being inside me.” Kelsey is sitting in the passenger seat, her feet on the dashboard while my SUV is eating the miles on the interstate. A habit of hers that at once pissed me off. Now I know it’s what she does to relax.

“Fuck, you think I don’t want inside you? You’re out of your fucking mind. It’s always on my mind. Morning, noon, night, and every second in between. That slickness wrapped around me, you moaning my name, it haunts me in my dreams, sunshine.” I watch as she spreads her legs. The dress she’s wearing hikes up further, showing me even more of her skin. Which is a bad thing at this moment in time. One wrong moment, and we could be in a wreck.

“Then why are you holding back?” My eyes return to the road just as quickly as they shoot back to Kels. The tips of her fingers are sliding up the inside of her thigh.

“You’re not playing fair right now. We’re either going to get in a wreck, or I’m going to pull over. I still won’t give you my cock, not until you’re ready to listen to what I have to say.” I watch as she moves her panties to the side, slickness coating her pussy, and then Kelsey slides those long fingers of hers inside. That’s when I take action. Thankfully, it’s her left hand between her thighs. “Fuck, that tastes good, not as good as when I get it from the source, but it’ll tide me over. Now, keep your hands off your cunt, or we really will wreck.” I finish sucking the juices off her fingers I grabbed.

“Fine, you can tell me all about the reason you were such an asshole. There’s plenty of time in the next hour or so.” We both took the afternoon off from work to get ahead of the traffic that comes with the Flora-bama traveling.

“I’d love nothing more than to finally tell you the shit that went down ten years ago, and I will. Once we can sit down, where I can see your eyes when I plead my case. I’ve been an asshole, taking shit out on not only you but my family as well. Speaking of, there’s a good chance Asa is going to come at me. I don’t want you worried, and I don’t want you to try and pull him back or you to step in front of it. Shit has been a long time going. He’ll get his lick in, and then we’ll be back to normal.” All of us boys have tussled a time or ten, wrestling in the yard, knocking each other around. There have only been a handful of times our parents had to get in between us. If it was Mom doing the damage control, it was whatever she found handy—a shoe, a spoon from the kitchen. If it was Dad, he’d whistle sharply, and we’d cool it off. At the end of the day, we still loved each other and gave one another hell at the same time.