“Let me know what he says. I’m going to order us coffee and breakfast.” I look down at my phone, not saying anything to my sister. She knows I’m not picky, unless it comes to a runny yolk, which is the case for both of us.

Deke “the big” Dick: Dinner tonight. I’ll pick you up at 7?

Me: Sure, but how about you pick it up and we eat at my place instead?

I go to put my phone down, ready to start my day when it vibrates in my hand.

Deke “the big” Dick: Pink Pony okay with you?

Me: Yes, please. Fried green tomatoes and the chicken nachos. I’ll pay you back.

My mouth waters just thinking about the pub food. Sure, after eating like shit the past few days, I could stand to eat a salad, but that’s not happening tonight.

Deke “the big” Dick: See you then. We’ll talk about you paying me back later.

Me: See you then.

“Text is signed and sealed. He’s coming over tonight. Maybe we’ll get a repeat performance of last night,” I tell Emily as I walk through the office in the back.

“Kelsey has got her groove back. Too bad we’re opening, or I’d say we could celebrate with Mimosas or Blood Marys.” So, last summer is the last time Kelsey got any, and even back then it wasn’t that great. Phillip sucked all the way around. Yes, I’m referring to myself in third person, but I give zero fucks because I know the man I’ll be fucking tonight can at least deliver on the orgasms.

“That’s right, baby!” I twirl around in a circle. The long skirt I’m wearing billows out, slits up both legs. I paired with a tight white tank and platform shoes, a plethora of bracelets, and tied my hair in a messy top knot. The Hawkins girls have the perfect style—stellar personalities with a dash of humbleness, and an even better sex life. Well, at least I do. I’m not sure about Emily, but knowing her, she’s got a line out the back door that has no problem dropping whatever they’re doing if Emily were willing.

“Don’t think we aren’t talking about last night,” I tell her, taking my seat, ready to get started on the day, secretly excited that Deke is coming over and not just for the sex. I’m really thinking there’s more to him than meets the eyes, almost like he’s an onion and you have to peel back layer by layer.

“Another dud. I’ll dish once we have caffeine and food.” Emily sounds annoyed, which goes with what she’s saying. That’s a damn shame. I’ve had to listen to her hook-ups for the past year. Now it’s my time to shine, so to speak.


“You have no idea.” I laugh, thinking the worst, and when her head pops up, she knows I’m thinking about, well, poop, “Oh my god no, you’re so gross.”

“But getting you to laugh was worth it.” Once we calm down, we get to work, not stopping until our delivery arrives. Even then, we talk and work while we eat.



Instead of standing on Kelsey’s front porch like the loser I was yesterday, this time, I try the handle, not expecting it to be unlocked, and yet open it does.

“Motherfucker.” I’m assaulted with music, something rich and soulful, nothing like you’d hear on the radio with today’s hits. It’s something older, reminiscent of a different era. How I didn’t hear it when I pulled up to her place, I have no idea, but I clearly should have, with the front door unlocked, windows open, and back doors leading to her back porch. Kels is nowhere in sight, though. I set the food down on the counter. I ordered way more than what she asked for, partially because there’s nothing bad from the Pink Pony, and if there are leftovers, I figure it’ll keep her fed for the next day.

“Sunshine!” I call out, moving out to the back deck, but not seeing her anywhere. Her place is really fucking nice. Kelsey may have complimented my condo in Florida, but it doesn’t hold a candle to her place. It might be small and on the older side, but the view and the ability to walk through sand dunes and then be at the beach make more than up for its age. I don’t see her anywhere, and I highly doubt she’d be out walking along the shore knowing I’d be here, so I’ll save that idea if she’s not in one of the bedrooms or in the shower. Fuck me, the thought of Kelsey in the shower has my cock already hard and aching. It never seems to be enough when it comes to her.

“Honey, I’m home, Kels,” I announce my presence as I walk through the hall, not finding her in the spare bathroom or either of the bedrooms. One is used for what looks like storage. Boxes upon boxes are stacked. There’s enough room to walk around, grab the one you’re looking for, and carry it out. I put two and two together and realize this must be the overflow from her boutique in town. Makes sense, really; it’s not like the storefronts are very big to have storage for anything extra.