“I’ll be right back. Bathroom is the first door on the left.” I stand up and bend down to grab my clothes, not that I’ll be putting them back on, but I need a moment to, you know, clean up and get my shit together.

“Thanks,” he responds, casually walking in all of his naked glory to my hall bathroom. Meanwhile, as soon as the door shuts, I’m darting into my room, closing the door, really wishing I’d brought my phone. Calling Emily right now would really help a girl out. Instead, I’m going to have to hurry things along in every way imaginable.



“Hey, you want to grab some dinner in town?” I ask once I’m done in the bathroom, my clothes are back on, and I’m propped up against her kitchen counter. I was going to look for something to clean up our mess with but figured that might be pushing the envelope in the scope of things.

“No. Thank you, though. I ate a bit earlier. My bed is calling my name.” Never in my life did I think this girl would shut me down like she is.

“Alright, until next time.” I walk towards her, kiss her cheek, and turn to head for the door.

“Hey, Deke.” My hand is on the door handle. A piece of me acting like the pussy I am is hoping she’ll ask me to stay.

“Yeah, sunshine?”

“Thanks for the orgasms. I didn’t realize how much I needed them. Next time, I’ll return the favor with my mouth.” I think I’ve just met my motherfucking match when it comes to keeping this casual, and the thought of that is sitting like lead in my stomach.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” I leave after that, knowing my dumbass self might do something to make me look desperate. It doesn’t take me long to unlock my vehicle, start it up, and reverse out of her driveway. My mind is a damn mess, and don’t get me started on this body of mine. It’s a fucking traitor. You know, the fucking thing between my legs that won’t go away. I was inside her body not ten minutes ago, coming inside a damn condom when all I really wanted was to take the latex off, feel her completely bare, no matter the consequences, which is saying a-fucking-lot.

“Baby brother, to what do I owe this pleasure?” Yep, I called Asa, not that I’m the brother who deserves dick after the way I’ve treated him and Montana.

“Guess I had that coming,” I grunt out. By the time I get off the phone with him, I’ll more than likely be back at my sterile rental. Hell, the condo in Florida I own is homier than what I have here, and that’s saying something because back home is pretty stark, too.

“I mean, three days in a row after a couple of months of quietness is kind of odd, you know?” I’m sure his hackles are raised, rightfully so in his position.

“Yeah, didn’t touch on our issues with Kelsey around. Figured we could talk without an audience. She’s part of the reason I’m calling. Also, I owe you an apology.” Fuck me, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Now it’s up to Asa if he’ll make me eat shit or not.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you apologizing? Kelsey must be the real deal,” Asa tries to get me to admit.

“That’s the thing. She probably is, but that woman is hell on wheels. Kels took me completely by surprise, and I’m not sure how to handle her. It’s usually me who keeps the woman at arm’s length, but this time around, it’s the woman I want.” One hand is on the steering wheel, the other running my fingers through my hair, reminding me of how Kelsey’s hands were tugging it.

“All that shit you gave me shit for; seems I’m missing out on the whole story. Time for you to fess up, Deke.” He’s not wrong. I haven’t told anyone about my past. Not sure that it’s a good idea to deep dive either while driving so I’ll condense.

“Shit happened ten years ago. Thought I knew the woman who would be mine forever. That wasn’t so. She played me in the worst way a woman can play a man. That sticks with you, makes you leery of any and all women. And yeah, I was a douche in the worst possible way, I’ll give you that. Talking out of my ass, thinking back to the time when it was me tagging along with you at the bars.” I don’t elaborate. I’m not all sure I need to.

“Fuck, I know the girl you’re talking about. She’s married to that dick nugget Marky, has a pile of kids and is working two jobs to make ends meet because her old man can’t hold a job.” Karma really is a bitch, after all.