“But you aren’t really here,” I sobbed, collapsing onto his chest, wanting the contact now as the heat from the coils began to fade.
“Aren’t I?” he murmured into my neck. “Listen. Do you hear that?”
I heard thunder in the distance, the last reverberations of our stormy lovemaking. It was fading just as he was fading, vanishing in my arms just as he had when I’d banished him.
“That’s me,” he whispered, his voice now no more than a faint stir of the honeyed air. “I’m here.”
My eyes flicked open. I was in my bed, alone, naked in a tangle of sundrenched sheets. I lifted my hand in front of my face and saw the golden spirals fading from my skin. My heartwas pounding as if I’d just run a race…or made love all night to my incubus lover. It was so loud I thought I could hear it…
I’m here, he had said.
I sat up and listened. The pounding seemed to be coming from everywhere at once. From the air itself. I felt it deep inside, matching the beat of my heart.
I’m here, it said.
Where? I threw the sheets to the floor and stood up. My bare feet felt the pounding in the floorboards. It came from below. From the front door…
I nearly ran out of the room naked, but grabbed my damp and twisted nightgown off the floor and wrestled it over my head as I ran down the stairs.
I’m here! I’m here!The pounding was definitely coming from the front door. I stumbled into the foyer and lifted a trembling hand to the doorknob…and then hesitated.
If it really was Liam, did I want to let him in?
Yes!every inch of my skin screamed.Yes!
I turned the cold iron knob and flung open the door. Duncan Laird stood in the doorway. When he saw me in my thin nightgown, my hair wild, my skin glowing, his blue eyes widened and he smiled a slow, silky smile.
“It’s you!” I cried.
“Were you expecting someone else?”
“Should I come back later?” His eyes were amused at my confusion.
“No! I just didn’t expect you quite so early.”
“I had something to tell you that I didn’t think could wait, but…I can’t really tell you out here.”
“Oh!” I said. “Come in. I’m sorry. I was having a dream…”
“Was I trying to drown you again?” he asked as he came inside.
“No,” I said, blushing. The heat on my skin made me aware of how close to naked I was. I grabbed a sweater from the hall closet and pulled it on over my nightgown. “You weren’t in it.”
Or had he been?I’m here, Liam had said in the dream, and then Duncan had appeared at the door. But Duncan couldn’t be my incubus. Liz had carefully vetted him…
“…and I thought you should know.”
“Thought I should know what?” I asked, realizing I hadn’t heard a thing he said.
“Grove members are arriving today in Fairwick.”
“They’re here early,” I said, “The meeting isn’t until Monday. We still have two days.”
“I suppose they wanted to make a weekend of it.” Duncan smiled wryly at the idea of anyone choosing to spend any more time in Fairwick than they had to. I had felt the same ten months ago, but now I was offended for my town. Perhaps sensing that, Duncan’s smile faded. “Or maybe they know you’re trying to increase your power and they’re worried.”
“Good,” I said. “They should be worried.”