“I think we get the idea,” Delbert Winters interrupted, glaring at Loomis Pagan. “Can we get on with this? I’m catching a plane to Iceland tonight.”

“I’d be happy to geton with it,” Adelaide replied, picking up the report and reading where she had left off. “For many years it had been thought the door was inactive, but when it came to our attention that the door was not only active, but that creatures were passing freely between worlds without any supervision, the Grove decided to investigate the nature of the college and community. We found that at least three hundred fifty-three undocumented aliens were living in the town, among them races known to feed on humans, such asincubi, lidercs, and succubi, and that numerous attacks had been made on humans.”

Liz cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Madame Chancellor. May I ask where you are getting your information?”

“Certainly. Because we wanted to be sure that there could be no accusation of bias, we subcontracted a report from an independent third party—the Internal Affairs Division of the Institute of Magical Professionals.”

“I was not aware that we were being investigated,” Liz trilled in full Jean Brodie mode.

Adelaide lowered her glasses and gave Liz a withering look. I would not have imagined that anyone could intimidate Elizabeth Book, but I saw her stiffen under my grandmother’s scrutiny.

“Your awareness of the investigation would have invalidated it. Dr. Greeley can attest that the investigation was conducted under proper IMP guidelines.”

Talbot Greeley adjusted the knot of his bow tie and re-crossed his legs without looking at Liz. “We’d had complaints, Liz. My hands were tied.”

Liz’s face had gone very pale and she was clenching her hands so tightly under the table that I saw her knuckles bulging. “I see. May I know what thisagentdiscovered?”

“If you have no objection, you can hear it from the agent himself.”

“I have no objection,” Liz replied, squaring her shoulders and leaning forward in her seat. “I would very much like to see who has been the spy in our midst.”