Page 44 of Love Charade

‘Oh my God, are you okay?’ she asked, crouching by Jen.



‘Is the squirrel okay?’ She sat up, looking for her furry buddy. Everything felt okay; a few scrapes, but that was it.

‘I can’t see a squirrel,’ Holly replied, helping Jen sit up.

‘Bastard never even stuck around to say thank you,’ she said with a faint laugh. She felt like an absolute wally. Didn’t look like they had an audience though, thank fuck.

Holly stood, extending a hand to Jen. ‘Let me help you up.’

The agony was instant, the pain zipping through her bones like an electric shock. ‘Ayuh,’ she yelped, hopping around on her good leg.

Holly held her steady. ‘What’s up?’

‘My ankle.’

‘Broken?’ Holly asked, tilting her head to look at the offending limb.

‘I don’t think so, but I can’t put much weight on it.’

Holly scanned the area, her eyes settling on a bench. ‘Let’s get you over there and I’ll take the bikes back.’ She swooped under Jen’s bicep, wrapping a supporting arm around her waist.

‘You sure?’

‘Of course, can’t have you hobbling all the way to the car park. Plus, your flat’s not far from here, is it?’

Jen winced as they made their first tentative steps towards the bench. ‘Yeah, just across the road.’

‘That settles it. I’ll have you sorted in no time.’

* * *

Bikes safely returned,they took a slow walk back to her flat. Her ankle refused to stop throbbing. She’d had to stop a few times purely to balance on her left foot, the only thing that brought relief.

‘You sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?’ Holly asked, hovering behind as Jen made the final steps to her landing. The banister was a godsend – limping was much easier when you could haul yourself in the right direction.

‘Honestly, it’s just a sprain. I’ll be fine once I can get a seat.’

Holly looked sceptical. ‘Only if you’re sure.’

Finally on the landing, Jen allowed herself a moment to catch her breath. The reality of the situation hit like a slap in the face: Holly was at her flat. ‘Do you want to come in?’ she asked, scrunching one eye closed, like the question hurt more than her ankle.

‘Just to get you settled.’

‘I’ve not cleaned.’

‘Then I get to see the real you,’ Holly replied with a smile.

Jen sucked air in through her teeth. She wasn’t messy, but is anyone ever ready for unexpected guests? She had dishes in the sink and underwear on the radiators. She was in no fit state to be running about getting things in order, though: it was how it was.

‘Honestly, however bad it is, I’ve seen worse,’ Holly said, lingering by the door.

‘Just promise not to judge.’

Holly held a hand over her heart. ‘You have my word.’