Page 124 of Love Charade


Holly crossed the grass, heading for the back of the hall. The building sat at a forty-five degree angle to the square, obscuring its back corner from sight. Never mind the fact that darkness crashed over its rear, shrouding everything it touched.

Goosebumps flushed over Holly’s skin despite the evening’s pleasant temperature. She hugged herself, willing her heart to calm down.

There would be an innocent explanation to this. There had to be.

Maybe James was wrong – maybe it wasn’t Jen at all.

It felt like the small bank of grass was a mile wide. As she neared its edge, the thinning crowd disappeared around her. Soon it was only her and a single smoker. She watched as he paced the edge of the hall, wandering back and forth as he sucked on his cigarette. Despite the lack of company the air was still charged with laughter, the chatter of the crowd carrying on the breeze.

The smoker gave her a weak smile as she passed.

She returned it, ignoring the sickness sitting heavy in her stomach.

Her nerves were already shot, the urge to cry sitting on her chest like a boulder. Maybe she should turn around and go find Mum and Dad? Or just go to the stage, meet Jen there as planned?

She inhaled a long breath, the smell of smoke catching in her lungs.

No. She had to know.

She rounded the corner, light on her feet.

At first, it looked like there was no one there, but then—

The slightest movement.

Right in the far corner.

Holly’s blood froze, like she’d been walking on ice and it had finally cracked, plunging her into sub-zero water below.

She gasped, her voice strangled.

In shadows was the unmistakable silhouette of Jen, her lips pressed to who she could only assume was Alison.

It didn’t matter. Could be anyone. It wasn’t Holly.

She turned on her heel, unable to watch any longer.

Holly closed her eyes, squeezing them tight as she walked. This was Shona all over again.

She stopped in her tracks. Fists balled.

‘No. Not this time.’ She fixed her stare straight ahead, her vision misted from tears.

In one swift move she marched back and rounded the corner.

She wouldn’t be the victim this time. She wouldn’t take this on the chin, playing it down to keep the peace. Fuck Jen. Fuck her to hell and back.

But there were only shadows.

Holly stopped, her heavy breathing loud now she was sheltered from Lovefest.

Were they hiding?

She listened but couldn’t hear anything above the blood pumping in her ears.

‘Jen?’ she said, her voice cracking.