Page 141 of Light the Fire

“We were so worried we’d scared you away,” Rix said, his voice hoarse, probably from all the screaming he’d done over the last six days.

“Angel,” Jorik whispered, his mouth next to my ear. “What were you thinking, coming to the boat?”

“I wasn’t thinking,” I blubbered. “I forgot. I thought you left me. Then, I heard the screaming and thought you were in trouble. I was at the boat before it all clicked into place. Before it was too late.”

“Never,” they each said separately.

“We’d never leave you,” Rix reiterated.

We held each other for what I would consider not long enough, but it was probably for close to twenty minutes. Finally, Zane cleared his throat and motioned for us to untangle our arms.

“I have food, and I can run you baths,” I said, wiping my wrist beneath my nose. “Laundry is all clean. And I can wash these clothes.”

“We’re burning everything,” Zane said without emotion as we all turned to head up the ramp to the house. “Would burn the fucking boat if we could.”

We paused at the base of the ramp, and all three of them turned back to look at the sailboat as it bobbed lazily in the water. Each one of them shuddered, and tortured memories passed behind their eyes.

I swallowed but didn’t say anything. Rix had linked his fingers with mine and tugged gently. Then we all turned away and headed up to the cabin. The four of us, together again at last, just as it should be. But for how long?