Toward me.
Zane was at the helm.
Rix and Jorik were on the bow, and although I could see the effects of their days on the boat clearly on their faces, I could also tell that with them they brought relief. Freedom.
They were free from the shackles of their beasts.
Rix waved, and I waved back, lifting up to my tiptoes and laughing again while tears continued to fall.
But these weren’t tears of sorrow. They were tears of pure joy.
As they drew closer, I had to choke back the gasp that morphed into a sob, and I covered my mouth with my hand.
Even though I knew these were my men, they looked so different.
They’d lost weight. They were filthy, and thick black bags hung beneath their bloodshot eyes. Their hair stuck up in every direction, and long tracks of scabs marred their arms, chests, and faces, like they’d been scratching themselves until they bled.
But none of that truly mattered.
They were alive.
They were here.
They were free.
My men had returned to me, and as tired as they seemed, as haunted as their gazes appeared, I also saw the relief painted across each of their faces like a banner.
Their beasts were gone. It would just take them each some time to stop thinking about them.
But we had time.
Zane steered the boat sideways along the dock, and Rix tossed out a line from the bow, which I fastened quickly to a cleat hitch on the dock.
Jorik jumped out and secured the stern the same way.
I wanted to run to him. To leap into his arms, smother him with kisses, and never, ever let him go. But the look in his eyes, in all of their eyes, told me not to.
So I stepped back on the dock and waited for Zane and Rix to join Jorik and me.
My hands trembled at my side, and fresh tears slid down my cheeks. I was still smiling though. How could I not?
They’d come back to me.
I sucked in a rattled breath.
“Kitten…” Zane whispered.
I sobbed.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his gray eyes so full of concern, I thought my heart might explode with love for him. “We didn’t scare you on the boat?”
I shook my head, smiling through all the tears. “No. I’m not afraid of you.” I swept my gaze across all their faces. “Of any of you. I’m happy. Nothing but happy. You’ve come back to me.” I held out my arms. “You’ve come home.”
Like a dam breaking, all three of them rushed toward me into my arms, holding me like they never wanted to let me go. And I didn’t want them to.
They stunk to high heaven, but I didn’t care. I’d gladly live with that smell for the rest of my life and learn to love it if it meant having Zane, Rix and Jorik with me again.
My body shook, and my knees threatened to buckle, but they held me up. With their strength and with their love.