Page 104 of Light the Fire

My nail grazed the bullet, and I was able to slide it and catch it between the pad of my middle finger and the nail of my index finger. “I got it,” I exclaimed, dragging my fingers out, holding on tight to the bullet.

When my hand was free, Rix was quick to toss a bunch of towels onto the wound and apply pressure.

My entire hand up to my elbow was coated in blood, not to mention the floor, my pants, and Zane’s pants.

“I got it,” I said, holding up the bullet.

“He passed out when you slid in another finger,” Jorik said blandly.

“Now’s really not the time, but ‘that’s what she said,’” Rix said, which caused Jorik to snort a laugh.

I didn’t get it, but I also didn’t have the brainpower to try to figure out what they were talking about.

“We need to stop the bleeding.” I lifted up the towel that Rix was pressing into the hole. “He’s already lost so much blood.” I glanced at both of them. “He needs another vial of the serum.”

“The fuck I do,” Zane murmured, coming to and spiting out the stick between his teeth. “Don’t you dare give me another full vial. Just give me a third. I’ll be fine.”

“You’ve lost too much blood,” I said calmly, placing my hand on his arm. “You need the boost to your white blood cells that a full vial will give you. I don’t think a third will be enough.

His head shook violently, and his eyes started to roll.

He was delirious. He’d lost so much blood. He wasn’t thinking clearly.

How was he able to go out on a perimeter sweep and not pass out? Why hadn’t he told us that he’d been shot?

Dammit, this man was insufferably stubborn. His attitude was going to get everyone I cared about killed.

“Whatever the outcome of no more vials is, we’ll figure it out together. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”

But he jerked his arm out from under my hand, a growl so violent tearing past his lips that spit flew in all directions. “You have nofuckingclue.”

“You’re right,” I said, tossing my hands into the air and sending blood droplets flying behind me. I shook my head and glanced around the dark, cold cabin. Anywhere but back on his pale, angry, terrified face. “I don’t. Because you don’t tell me anything. You’re so cryptic. You hate me, but you don’t hate me. You want me, but you don’t want me. You don’t trust me, but you need me. I can’t keep up with your whiplash moods and desires, Zane.”

“He passed out again,” Jorik murmured.

“Of course he did,” I replied under my breath. “Anything to avoid listening to me speak the truth. Pass me that suture kit, please. Let’s stitch this jerk up before he wakes up. Then we can discuss whether or not a full vial is necessary.”