My new employee has already grown incredibly close to my mother and sister. And just like Scarlett, I’m pretty sure that they like her better than they like me. But I plan on remedying that with my daughter soon.

“I’m happy to be here, and I can’t wait until Scarlett is too.” She isn’t the only one who’s excited about having her home.

My mother’s smile is wide. “Having a baby in this house—River’s bachelor pad—is going to be strange.”

“It’ll be an adjustment for the three of us, but I have no worries. Everything is going to work out just as it should.”

The three of us.It’s odd to hear Leighton refer to us that way. You’d expect that if a woman ever said those words in regard to you, she’d be your wife and mother of your child.

“I’m not a bit worried,” my mama says.

Seems like all I did during the first two months of Scarlett’s life was worry. It began with worry that the paternity test would prove that I was her father. After I found out that she was mine, it was worry about the health and prognosis of my sick child. We got beyond that and then it was worry about what I would do when it was time for my daughter to come home to a house without a mother.

I’d still be worried if it weren’t for Leighton.

She’s the calm to this storm. The piece in this threesome that’s going to hold everything together.

I’ve never needed a woman. But I need this one.

I need this woman more than she can possibly imagine.