“I have a treadmill, elliptical, and stationary bike. You’re welcome to use the equipment anytime you like.”

“Thanks for the offer. I’ll be taking you up on that after I’m settled in.”

“Please do.” I love having a gym at home, but it’s sort of a shame that no one else puts it to use.

Bram is standing next to my truck when I open the door. He looks at Leighton as she gets out on the other side and grins, not saying a word.

“I know exactly what you’re thinking and you’re wrong.”

Leighton is hot as hell. I know that everyone who didn’t see her caring for Scarlett at the hospital will think that’s the only reason that I hired her.

Bram holds up his hands. “Didn’t say a word, bro.”

I lower my voice. “Didn’t have to. I can see it all over your face.”

My friend offers his hand to Leighton. “Bram Windsor.”

“Leighton Mitchell. Scarlett’s nurse… I mean nanny. Sorry. It’s going to take a minute to get used to saying that. I’ve been a nurse for five years.” She giggles and it makes her seem even younger. “Anyway… it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“My wife, Claudia, wanted to come and meet you, but she and the kids have been sick the last couple of days. They’re better now, but she didn’t want to risk bringing any kind of illness into the house since Scarlett is coming home soon.”

Leighton smiles. “That is so considerate. Please tell her how much I appreciate her thoughtfulness and that I look forward to meeting her.”

“Certainly will.”

I hope Claudia will come by soon. Aside from my parents and me, Leighton knows no one in town. This is a brand-new start for her, and I don’t want her to be unhappy. I need her to stay for Scarlett.

“I’d like to give Leighton a quick tour of the house.”

Bram flicks his hand. “Yeah, do what you gotta do. I’ll go ahead and start moving stuff.”

“We won’t be long.”

“Better not be.”

Leighton and I enter the house and two scents hit my nose at the same time: cleaning supplies and a freshly baked cake.

“Wow. Smells cleananddelicious in here.”

“Can’t take credit for that. My mama wanted to come over and clean the house for you and Scarlett.” Diane Winfrey believes that no one can cook or clean like her. And she’s probably right.

“Your mama is wonderful.”

My mom immediately liked Leighton. The two just clicked. And when I mentioned hiring Leighton as Scarlett’s nanny, she told me to do whatever it took to convince her. Which I’d already done.

“I moved out of my parents’ house seven years ago and she still comes over to make sure that her baby boy is well fed.” She’s a nurturer, just like Leighton.

“And I bet you don’t mind that at all.”

“Nope. There’s nothing like my mama’s cooking.”

Leighton follows as I lead her into the kitchen. “Hey lady. Smells like you’ve been up to something while I’ve been gone.”Lady. I like calling her that.

“Made a sock-it-to-me cake for Leighton. Just a little something to help her feel welcome in her new home.”

Leighton licks her lips. “Mmm… I love sock-it-to-me cake.”

My mother goes to my new roomie and embraces her, placing a kiss against her cheek. “We are so happy to have you here, darlin’.”