So. Fucking. Bad.

Her breath has increased and deepened. It’s much louder.

I think that she wants me, but I’m not used to this kind of thing: a woman who isn’t completely clear about what she’s willing to give. I’ve not had to read the signals in a long time, and it’s maddening. I wish she’d just come out and tell me what she wants.

The timing is all wrong. Today marks a fragile day for her. I can’t make out with her, or toss her on the bed and fuck her fast, and then walk away. But I also can’t leave without letting her know that I feel something happening between us. And that I want it very much.

I lace my fingers through the back of her hair and hold her tightly while I place a soft, sweet kiss against her mouth. She trembles and grips the back of my shirt, pulling me closer. Our mouths separate, but are still so close that we’re sharing the same breath, when I press my forehead to hers. “We will finish this when I come home.”

She nods. “I want that, River. Very much.” she whispers.

There it is. The confirmation I wanted to hear before I go. It somehow makes leaving easier because I know what will be waiting on me when I return.

I press one final kiss against her mouth. “I will see you in two months.”