Page 41 of Almost Married

His mouth curled in disgust. “Like Dave? What's he gonna teach them, how to get beat up in gym class?”

A cold fury ran through her. “We’re done, Griff. It’s time you accepted that.”

Griff’s lips formed a flat line. Steph turned away.

“Joey’s tuition is expensive,” Griff said.

She turned back. “What are you trying to say?”

He turned and stared out the window. Steph worried her lower lip. Was Griff trying to say that he’d stop paying the tuition if she divorced him? She had to find a way to keep things steady for Joey no matter what happened. Her brother did not deal well with changes in his routine. He’d thrown tantrums for a month when they’d first moved him to Horizon Village. He’d almost been kicked out. And a grown man, even a short one, could be strong and destructive when throwing a tantrum. She’d need someone to watch him during the day if he had to move in with her. Or she’d have to take a lot of time off work. Her stomach twisted. She couldn’t afford any of those options.

~ ~ ~

Griff stared out the window of the limo. He was at a crossroads. Mandy was driving the limo so she could get pictures of him and Steph with Joey. Steph’s weakness was her brother. Would offering to pay his tuition win him Steph, or would threatening not to pay the tuition keep her married to him? A grateful Steph would be easier to live with. As they got closer to Horizon Village, he could tell she was worried. He’d let her stew so she’d be even more grateful in the end. He’d always pay Joey’s tuition as long as he could afford it. He loved Joey like a brother. That didn’t mean he would make it easy for Steph to walk away from him.

He knew she’d fucked Dave. He didn’t like it, but he was willing to forgive it in light of his string of women. He’d go cold turkey on the women if he could just get Steph back. He’d never been more inspired musically than when he was with her.

~ ~ ~

Steph knocked on the door of her brother’s group home. She’d called ahead so he’d be expecting her. She could hear some excited voices, and then the door swung open.

Joey beamed a smile at her. “Stephanie!”

“Hi, Joey,” she said, reaching down to hug her much shorter brother. “I missed you.”

He stood back and smiled, ear to ear. He looked at Griff and held up his hand for a high five. “Big brother!”

“Joey, my man,” Griff said with an enthusiastic high five.

Steph’s heart squeezed as Griff and Joey smiled at each other. Her brother’s dark brown hair was combed neatly to the side. His eyes were hazel like hers, but rounder, and he wore thick glasses. Some of Joey’s housemates came to the door.

“Who’s this?” one young man asked.

“Stephanie and Griff,” Joey said proudly. “My family.”

Griff’s hand settled on her shoulder and squeezed. Steph smiled tightly. After they’d met and been introduced to Joey’s three housemates (who Steph had met before on several occasions, but Joey wanted to introduce them again), they went for a walk on the grounds. It reminded Steph a little of a college campus with manicured lawns and lots of trees.

“How’s rock and roll?” Joey asked.

“It’s awesome, buddy,” Griff replied. “I even wrote a new song a few days ago, inspired by your sister.”

Steph jolted. He was still writing songs for her?

“Play it,” Joey said.

Griff shook his head. “I didn’t bring my guitar, but you know what?”

“What?” Joey asked with a big smile.

“You’ll hear it on the radio soon.”

“Awesome!” Joey exclaimed, raising his hand for another high five. Griff gave him five. “With Twisted Star?”

“Yes, with Twisted Star. Hey, how’s that keyboard I got you?”

“Awesome!” Joey exclaimed, high-fiving Griff.

Steph listened as Joey and Griff talked, slowly realizing that Griff had not only sent gifts, but also visited frequently and called. Maybe that was Griff’s intention, to let her know how much he’d done for her brother. Even so, she couldn’t help but love him for it. Not everyone understood how special Joey was. Griff seemed to genuinely care about him.