Page 60 of Almost Married

She texted him back: Go to hell.

She turned off her cell and climbed into bed. Had Dave seen those pictures? Was that why he left? If only he’d answered his cell. Exhausted, she fell asleep determined to straighten everything out in the morning.

Steph got up early the next morning, turned on the TV, saw her picture on the news, and quickly turned it off. Shit. Dave was not going to like this one bit. She hated it too. She quickly got ready and called the number Griff had given her for her ride. She tried Dave’s cell and his home number, but he wasn’t answering.

She rode the jet home because she didn’t want to deal with the hassle of finding her own way back. Besides, she had to get to Dave as quickly as possible. She had to explain everything. It felt so strange to fly with just one person on the plane. So different from their plane ride out to L.A. She only hoped Dave was waiting for her back home.

~ ~ ~

Dave returned to his townhouse early the next morning after the flight from hell. He hadn’t slept at all on the plane as he was both freaked out and squished into a seat without enough leg room for a six-foot-two guy. Not to mention the toddler in the seat next to him, who cried most of the flight.

He belatedly realized when he got home that he could check his cell voicemail remotely. He listened as Steph’s messages grew increasingly worried, until the last message that said she wasn’t feeling well. His gut churned. What happened to her with Griffin? Had he kidnapped her? That last message had sounded not at all like Steph—strained and almost…scared. Shit. Was she okay?

Dammit. He shouldn’t have left L.A. without her. His temper got the best of him. And, if he was honest, his pride. It just felt like she always chose Griffin over him. But these messages were scaring the crap out of him. Maybe Griffin had done something to her. He never should’ve left Steph alone with him.

He checked his voicemail at home and heard her message that she was on her way back. At least she was well enough to fly home. He called her, but it went to voicemail. Hopefully she was on the plane. There was nothing to do but wait. He tried and failed to sleep while he waited. He tried calling Steph a few more times. His sister called for the latest news and reassured him that things weren’t as bad as they looked. What the hell did she know? But he kept his thoughts to himself because he knew she meant well. He finally settled in front of the TV to wait.

A short while later, a knock at the door had him leaping to answer it.

He opened the door. Steph stood there, suitcase at her side. She looked exhausted, but she was all in one piece and had gone straight to him. His heart soared. “Steph.”

“Dave!” She threw herself in his arms. It felt so good to have her there again he nearly forgave everything.

“What happened to you?” they said at the same time.

“You first,” Dave said. “Are you feeling okay? What happened when you went backstage and after that?” His voice rose in fresh aggravation, even though he told himself the most important thing was that she was okay. His jealous, possessive side reared its ugly head. “I saw pictures of you at a restaurant, at the hotel—”

“Take a seat,” she said. “I’ll tell you everything.”

They sat on the sofa. She took his hand, which felt like maybe she was trying to comfort him for bad news. He couldn’t help but tense up.

“Steph, if you want to be with Griffin, just say so. I can handle it.” He grimaced. “No, I can’t. Just say it. No, don’t.” He jammed both hands in his hair. “What the hell is going on? Please tell me you’re not with him. Did he kidnap you?”

“Would you just listen?” she asked. “The limo driver was this psycho reporter who pulled a gun on us.”

“What!” He crushed her to him. “Omigod. Steph.” He pulled back and cradled her face in both hands. “Are you okay?”

She blinked rapidly, her eyes shiny with tears. “Yes. Griff got the gun away from her and tossed it in the sewer.”

“Where were you when all this happened?”

“Hiding in the back of the limo.”

He crushed her to him again. She tugged on his arms, and he realized he was holding her too tight. He loosened his grip, but still kept her in his arms.