
Claudia Bliss Windsor

Bramand I move toward the bed, kissing en route.God, my husband has been insatiable this week.

He peels my jacket from my shoulders and tosses it to the bench at the foot of our bed before pulling my shirt over my head. I’m wearing a white lace bra, not my sexiest, but my boobs are really jacked in it since they’ve gotten bigger the last couple of weeks.

“God, I love your tits so much.”

He caresses each one before pulling my bra down and reaching into the cups to lift them out. He thumbs my nipples, watching them harden, before he sucks one into his mouth while rhythmically squeezing both.

“Sneaky bastard. I know what you’re doing.”

He looks up at me all innocent-like and tugs my nipple until the suction releases with a popping sound. “Whaaat, Claud?”

“You’re trying to make them letdown.” Horny bastard gets turned on when my milk leaks. “You’re such a weirdo.”

“I can’t help it, baby. I love it.”

Some men think leaking boobs are gross. But not my man. “I’m going to start having contractions if you keep playing with them like that.” Which wouldn’t necessarily disappoint me if the contractions wouldn’t be false labor.Been there, done that because the horny fucker won’t leave them alone.

“I’ll stop.” He’s only saying that because he knows my breasts always gush after I come.

He bends down to take off my boots. “I’m leaving on the knee socks. They make you look like a naughty schoolgirl when you’re naked.”

I unfasten my bra while he pulls my leggings and panties down my legs. I hold his shoulders for balance since mine’s a bit off with this big belly, but he doesn’t forgo the opportunity to poke his nose between my legs for a sniff and then a lick at my slit. “I will never get enough of your pussy, Mrs. Windsor.”

That mouth.I have to parent him as much as I do our kids. “Shh. If Abraham hears you say that, he’ll repeat it. And I would die a thousand deaths if he said that in front of our parents.”

“We’re safe. The boys are napping.”

We’re safe.That’s a joke. “Nothing about us having sex is safe.” We are fertile. Been married five years and almost three of those I’ve been pregnant.

“Baby, there are only three ways that you don’t get knocked up. Abstinence, which ain’t happening. Anal, which I’m always happy to do. Or you’re already pregnant.”

He ain’t lying. Birth control doesn’t work for us even when we use it correctly. But I’m glad it doesn’t. Our lives would be so very different if those birth control pills had worked five years ago.

I love and adore our two precious little boys: Abraham and Brady. I love being their mother. I wouldn’t trade anything for them or our baby girl, Scout, whose arrival we’re so eagerly awaiting, but I’m ready to not be pregnant for a while.

Bram steps back, looking me over from head to toe. “I love your pregnant body.”

Another one of his weird fetishes. He loves me pregnant and my boobs leaking milk.

He comes to me and caresses my abdomen. “This turns me on so much.”

That’s a good thing since I’ve spent most of our marriage with a swollen belly. “Doesn’t take much to turn you on.”

I unbutton his shirt and push it from his shoulders while he takes care of the cuffs. After he’s shirtless, I work on his pants as he kicks out of his shoes. “I told you a long time ago never to think you don’t turn me on. Five years in and I still can’t get enough of you.”

He pulls me close and my bulging abdomen pushes against his flat, muscular one. He holds my hips as he lowers his lips to my shoulder and drags a slow kiss up toward my throat. “Want a little fuck in the ass?”

Is he kidding me? “I’m nine months pregnant.Do you think I want a little fuck in the ass?”

“What I think, little dove, is that you always act like you don’t want it, but you really do. So let’s make a deal. Let me try to make you want it. If I succeed, I get to fuck that tight hole.”

Bram. Always trying to make deals to get his way. I think baby number two and three were both conceived because of one of his negotiations. “You can try all you like but I can assure you I’m not interested in havingbig Bramin my ass right now.” So much pressure there already. I don’t need anything else added to it.

“We’ll see about that, baby.”