Bram Windsor

Ishouldn’t be lettingthis happen. I shouldn’t be creating additional alone time with Claudia in my apartment. And I definitely shouldn’t be sitting at my dining table staring at her ass while she flutters around my kitchen.

Should’ve. Could’ve. Would’ve. Ishould’vesent her home as soon as our tutoring session was over. Icould’vesaid I already had dinner plans. Iwould’veif I were smarter. But I’m not smarter. I’m a dumbass playing with a blazing hot fire. And this flame has a name.

Claudia Laine Bliss.

Dear God. The denim shorts she’s wearing are so short that her ass cheeks peek out of the bottom when she bends forward. Which makes me wonder what kind of panties she’s wearing. Boy shorts? I don’t think so. Bikini? Not likely. Cheekies? Maybe. Thong? I’m hopeful.

Or maybe she isn’t wearing panties at all.

She has stripped down to the white tank top she was wearing beneath her T-shirt. Says she doesn’t want splattered spaghetti sauce to ruin it. Sounds like a legit reason for taking it off, but damn, I don’t think she’s wearing a bra. I can see the outline of her nipples through the thin fabric.

Fuck me. Those thoughts alone prove I’m looking at her titsandass.

“Do you like a little garlic or a lot?”

“A lot.”

“Me too.” Claudia brings a spoonful of sauce to her mouth and blows on it. “The secret to a good meat sauce, once you get it seasoned well, is to let it simmer for at least an hour. This needs more time to cook but try it and see if it has enough garlic for you.”

I open and she spoons the sample into my mouth. Acidic. Tangy. Garlicky. All the right flavors dance the tango with my taste buds. “Delicious.”

She uses her thumb to wipe the corner of my mouth and then licks the sauce from her finger. “It’ll taste even better in an hour.”

Holy. Hell. That was hot.

I could pull Claudia close. Pick her up and set her on the table. Push her legs apart and have my hand inside her shorts in only a matter of seconds. Make her come so hard, she screams my name.She’d let me. I know she would.

I bet she’s never had an orgasm. At least not a real one. And not one she didn’t give herself. I’m talking about the kind of pleasure that would make her tremble from the inside out and forget her own name.

“What do you want to do while we wait on the sauce to finish?”

Get naked and do bad things. “Whatever you want suits me.”

She sits in the chair beside me and leans forward, her elbow on the table with her chin resting against her palm. “I’ve not been in your life for a while. Tell me about all the things I’ve missed.”

There’s pain in her voice. Sadness in her eyes.Does she wonder if there’s been a woman in my heart while we’ve been apart? Cause there’s only been one. Her.

The last two months have been confusing. And lonely. The loneliest I’ve ever experienced.

The only time I’ve not been consumed by thoughts and fantasies of Claudia is when I’m buried chest deep in work. Coming home to this apartment every night is brutal. It leaves my mind wide open to fantasize about everything I can never do with her.

“Not much to tell. I crunch numbers all day, come home to this empty apartment, eat dinner alone, and go to bed.” I wonder if she can tell that I’m making a point to let her know there isn’t a woman in my life. “It’s the middle of tax season and I’m pulling long hours. I won’t have a normal schedule until after April sixteenth.”

“How late are you working every night?”

“I’m at the office until at least eight on weekdays and back up there the next morning no later than seven. I don’t have much of a life outside of work.”

“You didn’t work late Friday.”

“I left the office early because of the wedding rehearsal.” I had to go in at four in the morning to make up for the hours I was missing. That was a ton of fun.

She sighs. “I can’t ask you to tutor me after working so many hours. It’s too much for you to take on.”

“You aren’t asking. I’m offering. I just need you to come over a little later. Eight thirty, maybe nine if it’s not too late.”