Page 10 of Mummy Dearest

Chapter Six


I’d listened in anger and awe as the intruders that invaded my resting place discussed the additional spells the witches who’d assisted my burial had added to my tomb.

It made sense now that my torpor had never fully been complete, but it was irritating to know that they’d gone behind my back to change what would happen to me. Though I was grateful as well. Because of those spells, I might actually be able to return to my former greatness. A feat that I’d never believed possible.

The moment that vampire had stepped into my tomb, it had lit my mind like an oil lamp. Where moments before I’d been aware of the others, had heard their words like the ghost of a whisper in my mind, now it was as if my consciousness physically hovered in the cavern, unable to see, but feeling the presence of the vampire, the witches and that shifter that had come to…I wasn’t sure what they were doing there, actually.

And Claire. My Claire. She was there as well. Returned to me at last. Though human again, as she had been the first time I’d met her all those years ago.

So close to me. To my body that was frozen in its coffin. But my mind was becoming clearer by the minute. I knew that she had come to set me free. That we were to be reunited once more thanks to the foresight of the witches that had come before.

And these people were going to help her.

I just didn’t know how to get her to remember me. To remember what we once had. What we should still have to this day.

For one moment, I’d been able to push my power across the island, to invade her dreams and see her as she was now. But there was no control and I’d had to watch in her minds eye as she burned once more before me.

This woman was my soul mate. And now that I was so close to her, I would never let her be hurt again.