Page 21 of Mummy Dearest

“It was an accident,” I said, tears pricking my eyes as I watched the love of my life writhing on the floor, knowing that this time I was the one who had put her life in danger.

“The monster inside took over,” the vampire whispered, finally releasing me. “You’ve been in torpor for centuries. It wasn’t your fault. But you need to let Candi work now if you want to save Claire’s life.”

“What if he turns her?” the third woman asked, kneeling across from the red head who could only be her sister, they looked so similar.

“He can’t,” the vampire said. “All of the blood in his body is hers. By time the vampirism spreads through the cells enough to infect anyone else, it will be too late.”

“Booker, can you turn her?” the woman asked, looking at the vampire.

“She is mine!” I yelled, taking a step forward but finding my way blocked by Booker once more.

“Touch her and die,” he growled, his eyes flashing with anger. “Mindi is mine and you will not go near her.”

“The testosterone in here is a little thick,” the dark-haired woman said as she popped back into view, her arms laden with a box and a shell-shocked looking woman clinging to her elbow.

“Doctor Mann,” the shifter said, stepping forward with his hand outstretched to the woman. “Thank you for coming.”

“I didn’t exactly give her a choice,” the witch said, rolling her eyes as she set down the box. “What’s going on here?”

The doctor joined the two witches at Claire’s side and waved them off as she examined my mate.

“She’s stable,” the doctor said after a minute. “Quick thinking, Candi, with the blood duplication. I’d like to move her to a room and hook up a transfusion.”

“I want to stay with Claire,” I pleaded.

“The doctor will need privacy to work,” the shifter, Colton apparently, said firmly.

“I will update you as soon as Claire has made progress,” Doctor Mann promised me. “Right now she needs blood and rest.”

“He’s her soulmate,” the red head informed the doctor firmly.

“I see,” Doctor Mann said, nodding once. “Then yes, young man, you will need to join us. Your presence will aid her recovery. However, you will not get in my way or impede me in any way.”

“If you hurt her,” Mindi added, glaring at me, her eyes flashing with power. “I will kill you myself.”

“I will never allow harm to come to her again,” I vowed.

The three witches stood next to each other, staring at me for a moment until Mindi nodded.

“So mote it be,” they said in unison, sealing the vow between us with their magic.

“Come along,” the doctor said, motioning for me to pick Claire up and follow her. “We have much work to do.”

Claire was not nearly as cold as she’d been when I’d brought her to the hotel, and I clung to that as hope that she would recover. Cradling her gently to my chest, I followed the doctor and Colton down the hall to a room and stepped inside to sit beside my mate while the damage I’d done to her was fixed by these strangers.

If Claire woke up and never forgave me, it would be no less than I deserved. But as I watched blood began to pump into her arm through a needle and tubing, I prayed that she could find it in her heart to give me another chance.