Page 12 of Mummy Dearest

Chapter Eight


“I cannot believe you’re really here,” I whispered, staring at Claire as if she might be a ghost or just a memory. “I feel as though all of time has passed yet not a single grain of sand has dropped from an hourglass since last I saw your face.”

“I feel as if I’ve always been here,” she answered, pressing her palm over my heart as she blinked back tears. “You never forgot me. Never let me go.”

“You are the soul of me,” I promised her, covering her fingers with my hand. “As I go on, you went on. Always.”

“Come back to me, Victor,” she pleaded. “I am here yet you are lost. Come back to me.”

“I do not know how,” I admitted, my words choked over a sob that seemed stuck in my chest.

“Just wake.” She said it as if it were the most simple thing in the world. “Wake up. Wake up!”