
As he scrolled through the pages, checking there weren’t any ridiculous conditions, his eyes stumbled on one line.

The purchasers.

Mark Hodkins and Kim Cavelli. His nemesis and his ex-girlfriend.

Rage made it hard to stab the qwerty keyboard on his phone’s screen.No to the lowball offer. Also no to the offer from Mark and Kim. Tear that thing up then shred it and feel free to light it on fire.

He chucked the whipper-snipper down into the weeds and took a minute to stare out across the view.Hisview. Rolling green hills mapped the course of the creeks which fed the olive-green reach of the Clarence River. Trees grew in thick stands between patchwork fields of macadamia and avocadoes, stocky cows grazed in contented silence … And all of it could be taken away from him any minute by the bank.
