The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by unanimous motion as a true record of events.

The first agenda item, COMPETITION ENTRIES, was discussed, and Carol reported that she didn’t know what schooling was coming to in this nation because no-one seemed to understandwhat iambic pentameter meant, and that if only they had a website, she could write a blog about it with examples. Ken suggested a rose by any other name smelled as sweet, to which Carol replied: ‘If you think I’m allowing free verse into this muster you’ve got another think coming.’

The second agenda item, FUNDRAISING RECIPIENT, was brought up and someone (Daisy? Thelma? Note to self: pay more attention when minute-taking) mentioned platypus in the district were under threat according to the Lismore newspaper, and Thelma volunteered to do some research to see if there was a charity that looked out for local platypus.

The third agenda item, BUMP IN, was brought up and the committee finalised the list of marquees, pie warmers, tables and chairs that needed to be ordered from the hire company. Vonnie volunteered to be in charge of marking out the grass behind the pub with spray paint to allocate where each of the stalls should go, and there was unanimous agreement that the cake stall and the preserves stall should be separated to avoid a repetition of last year’s unpleasantness over the lemon curd.

The fourth agenda item, MFJ, was brought up and Patty Miles (who was a little distracted and tetchy) questioned what this item was and who had written it on the whiteboard, because it sure as eggs wasn’t on the agenda she’d emailed around, to which Merv O’Connor held his hand over his heart and said: ‘He’d known tragedy of his own and if someone had stepped up to help him maybe he wouldn’t now be single and living alone, but at least he had three cats and rural romance novels to bring some love into his life.’ Daisy then asked Merv what in blazes he was wittering on about, but Thelma spoke over the top of her: ‘Now, Patty, we’re just keeping a lookout for your boy,that’s all. Ken tells me a lovely guest of his from the hotel motel has moved up to the farm, and she’s a fine candidate for Mrs Farmer Joe,’ to which Patty said (menacingly), ‘Do you want me to run for Town Mayor against you at the next election, Thelma?’

There being no other business, Patty Miles said the next meeting would be in due course but she had some stuff on and couldn’t pick a date yet. Merv enquired, ‘What stuff, love?’ which made Patty purse up her lips and get all evasive.

She declared the meeting closed at 9.08 am (and hurried off—scarpered!—with Daisy at her heels).