Page 122 of A Town Like Clarence

The first agenda item, CHAIRMAN INDISPOSED CRISIS, was discussed, and Joey thanked everyone for agreeing he could step in while Patty attended to Robbo. Vonnie suggested a hamperof goodies would be a nice gesture if Patty and Robbo were up for visitors, and it was agreed by unanimous decision that Vonnie would organise and deliver to Bangadoon.

The second agenda item, FUNDRAISING RECIPIENT FOR THE RAFFLE, was brought up and Ken Kwong said he had a brainstorm but it was a bit kooky and he’d need to find out the exact monetary value before he started blabbing the detail, but he reckoned there’d be scope to save the platypus everyone had been banging on aboutandendorse his excellent idea and could he email everyone later. Angelo said, ‘Leaving your brainstorm a bit late, mate; have you seen how many raffle tickets we need to sell?’ and it was agreed Ken would get back to the committee ASAP.

The third agenda item, LAST MINUTE CHANGES IN MUSIC LINE-UP, was brought up and Thelma Kwong said she had asked community organisation NORPA if they had any local artists interested in performing on the day as The Devil Dingo last year had been hugely popular. Merv O’Connor said he had three guitarists and a string quartet booked and was still waiting to hear from the high school’s tribute band, but there might be a problem there as the main singer was pregnant and due any day.

The fourth agenda item, WORK ROSTER FOR THE DAY, was brought up and it was agreed Joey would do up a roster and email it around for comment.

In other business:

•Joey volunteered to be the MC on the day, to which Thelma replied Joey would get the microphone over her dead body and if he was going to ‘swing his dick around like that’ he could have a rethink about his welcome as Acting Chairman. Joey assured Thelma the microphone was hers.

•Mervgrew a little weepy when the biscuit tin was passed around (choc chip macadamia—made by Joey but Robbo’s recipe, apparently) and said he’d heard about the upset with the plane lady at Amy’s party (from Angelo) and wanted to apologise if his idea to look for Mrs Farmer Joe had stressed anybody out, and he was just trying to help, and if he’d had any idea Robbo was crook, he would have cut his own liver out and eaten it (even though he’d been a practising vegan since 1987) before adding to the stress of the family. Daisy gave his hand a pat and told Merv he was an old softie and all was forgiven.

•Joey volunteered to make new carparking signs because he’d inspected the muster equipment in Patty’s shed at Bangadoon and the old ones were ‘not fit for purpose’. Hogey wanted to know what in blazes he meant by bringing his city jargon into their committee meeting, to which Joey replied, ‘Okay then; let the minutes say that the old carparking signs are totally rooted’.

Joey then cleared his throat and said he had a date to organise (*) and he’d thank everyone to remember he was in charge of his own damn love-life from now on (**), and he couldn’t sit around gossiping all day (***). He declared the meeting closed at 8.59 am.

* Note to self: OMG! With Kirsty? Bake celebration fruitcake.

** Note to self: As if.

*** Note to self: Snarky. Oh, this is good; our tragic hero is finally getting his mojo back.