Then, on second thought, I decided I didn’t want to have to deal with her. Even if it was just one woman, I didn’t want what happened in the mess hall happening on a shuttle where I couldn’t get away from her. I needed to think on the trip, not deal with a newly tainted virgin who I had zero interest in.

“Find a way to isolate her,” I said. “Screening software? I don’t know what you have, but use it. I’m going to suggest to my scion that she remains untainted until he can figure out what to do with her. Bringing one single breedable female onto the packship is a…” I was about to sayresource scarcitybut I’d spent enough time with Eden women to know Scientist would see that as dehumanizing.

I cleared my throat and started over. “Only two Khetar are going to benefit from a single breedable woman coming aboard. My scion is skilled at dealing with issues like this, but I want to give him time to make the right call.”

“Yeah,” Scientist said, “I agree with that call. I don’t want to deal with her getting all weird about you on the shuttle. It’s going to be a three-hour trip.”

Three hours. It felt too long. I knew that Tharkur would agree with my assessment that we should land the whole pack as fast as we could. We needed weapons too though. The ship could probably still make them, but I didn’t know how much longer it would be able to do it. We had a huge edge though in knowing that the shipswouldfail, and that we needed to make use of it while we still had it.

Until I was face-to-face with Tharkur though, we didn’t have that edge. They were probably wasting their time trying to get the Hive Mind to come back rather than preparing to land like they should have been doing.

Time passed quickly though once we were aboard and underway. Scientist tried to grill me in the first twenty or thirty minutes. She kept asking me about how much I knew of physics, math, and sometimes even obscure concepts like “color theory.”

The conversation ended quickly, because my knowledge of each topic was apparently much less than she’d expected. Her lips pursed up each time I told her I was “done” with my explanation, not because I was tired of explaining or trying to withhold information from her, but because I’d simply told her everything I knew.

The only time I managed to go into any detail is when I had to describe my knowledge of something as it related to spying and bypassing certain security checks. Most of what I knew though seemed to operate on some technology beyond what humans had learned, so rarely did my practical knowledge overlap with anything Scientist had heard about.

She just kind of shrugged at the end. She’d tried to get me to explain the context of the things I’d known, but I didn’t understand any of it enough outside of how to use it to trick the Hive Mind’s security protocols for her to understand any of the physics behind it.

“I guess,” she said, “I’ll have think of other ways to ask you about this. Maybe we’ll eventually get something from it?”

“Maybe,” I said, feeling doubtful.

And that was the end of the conversation. I leaned back in my chair, thankful that my balls no longer ached. I thought a human male wouldn’t understand, but there was a deep satisfaction in sitting back, closing my eyes, and knowing that my Brother was about to pump our woman full of hot seed.

The next time I’d see her, she’d have our babies in her.

When we reached theInseminator, we didn’t even have to use Chief’s gambit. A single Khetar soldier arrived at our airlock fully suited and armed.

I met him in the airlock.

He raised his visor. He was orange-skinned. A warrior I didn’t really know named Thelusir.

“You are Kaav?” he asked.

I nodded.

He looked at me skeptically. “You come to us on a human ship?”

Me being on a human ship meant I’d made contact with the human women before Tharkur, who was our scion, and who had all rights to make first contact. Thelusir didn’t understand that the old rules no longer mattered.

“I need to speak with Tharkur as soon as possible,” I said, “I have urgent and time-sensitive intel.”

“The Hive Mind is—”

“I know,” I said, “And I know why. Get me to our scion. Now. Keep this shuttle docked and guarded. There’s one woman inside, Lesbian Scientist Casandra.”

“Lesbian,” he said, cocking his head. “Does she like…cocksandpussies?”

His cock must have already been getting hard at the thought of a human woman so close to him.

“No,” I said. “When a woman’s role has this word in it,Lesbian, it means she haszeroattraction to cocks. I’ve seen it, she is not breedable to us. Make sure our pack understands this, but keep the human ship under guard either way.”

I decided not to tell him about the actual breedable woman on board. She was locked off in a pressurized cargo bay. I couldn’t keep her there for long, but I wanted Tharkur to be the one to decide what to do with her. It would be dangerous to move her through the ship. Any contact between her and a randomInseminatorcould have disastrous consequences for our pack. That was scion-level shit that I wanted no part in.

“Don’t even think about going through that airlock,” I said, pointing to the sealed end that led into the shuttle and to the women.

“Understood,” he said, nodding.