The Hive Mind, in its infinite knowledge and glory, knew I was a spy. Despite knowing I was a spy, it still connected me toWrath’snetwork in much the same way any other member of Thuliak’s pack was connected to the packship.
The Hive Mind wanted us to fight each other. The Hive Mind wanted us to spy on each other. It wanted us to make ourselves stronger so that our seed remained the strongest in the galaxy.
But it wouldn’t help me to spy. It wanted me to use my own strength and knowledge to evade capture. IfWrathwere willing to help me, it would be easy to stay in contact withInseminator.Spying wasn’t supposed to be easy, so I had to send messages back home the hard way. And each time I sent a message, my chances of getting caught and killed shot up drastically.
There was no point in spying if you didn’t get the information out though. It was a required risk of the job.
Still, being connected toWrath’sHive Mind meant I got to keep watching Thuliak’s feed even as I made my way to my hidden beacon.
It wasn’t just a beacon, it was my second body. It lay cocooned on the surface of Wrath, only waking up when I got in range and forced a signal through the ship’s hull. It always felt good to be in two bodies again, even if making contact with my other half meant both parts of me were that much more likely to be found and killed.
I reached the end of a corridor. I nodded to someone passing by, his eyes glazed over—clearly staring at Thuliak’s feed. His cock was fully erect and pulsing. I checked the feed and realized that Emissary Eve was bending over. The ratio between her narrow hips and wide backside was extremely fucking pleasing to the eye.
“Can’t wait to get my cock into one of these,” he said.
I forced a laugh. I didn’t want just “one of these.” I wanted the right one, and Emissary Eve wasn’t it.
I waited until he turned the corner, and then I pressed my back against the wall. This was the part of the ship closest to where my body was on the outside hull. Normally I could inhabit both of my bodies from a pretty good distance away, but through the hull of a packship was another story. There were nerds—the Khetar not so into fighting who mostly lived below-deck—who could explain to you the physics of why the hull blocked the signals between my bodies so much, but I didn’t need to know any of that shit. I needed to know how to get a message out ofWrathwithout getting caught and killed. Outside of that, I needed to know how to please my mate—whenever I found her.
Still, whatever the physics were, I found that pushing my back up to the wall helped to boost the signal. It helped especially to press the back of my skull up against the metal. It looked suspicious as fuck though, so I had to keep my eyes open for any signs of movement.
With my skull pressed firmly against the metal, I reached out for my other body.
The moment the link opened, it was like the pressure in two airlocks stabilizing, or like a barrier falling between water of two different heights. I spread equally—and instantly—into both bodies.
Part of me was cold and groggy—wrapped tightly against the hull outside. I let the full feeling of the body wash over me for a few moments. My muscles writhed in agony. The Hive Mind was keeping them electrically stimulated and fed even though they never moved. I needed both of my bodies ready for immediate departure. It wouldn’t do if this second body were emaciated and weak when I needed to either fight or fuck on short notice.
It was too dark in the cocoon to see my second body’s silver skin. I risked a flash of light, dim, but enough to see myself. My silver skin glistened. The artificially maintained ab muscles twitched as another jolt went through them. The Hive Mind feed started to work on my second body, and the silver cock twitched and slapped against my lower abs when. My silver cock grew harder. Veins bulged on it. Its head expanded.
On the Hive Mind feed from Thuliak, a new figure was stepping out into the airlock. At first, I saw her only as a silhouette. But she was a silhouette of absolutely perfect proportions. She had wide hips and a narrow waist. Her thighs were bigger than anything I’d seen, and on such a tiny frame! My golden cock—with its teal veneer—went rock-hard.
The perfect female figure was pointing a gun at Thuliak. Now there was even more reason to like her. She stepped into the light. She was in full vacuum suit, but the vacuum suits were still mostly form-fitting, andfuckher thighs were making me…
I glanced down—the cocoon still dimly lit—and my silver cock had a glistening drop of seed on the tip of it. I turned the nerve signals from that body back on. Despite the agony of my aching muscles, I kept both bodies nerve signals on. There was aching pain and two two erect cocks, one giving me a very pointed message. I let it all wash over me.
This is what I was. I was not the one-bodied teal dickhead who followed Thuliak. I was a gold-and-silver, two-dicked fucking machine. And even though her face hadn’t yet hit the light, already I felt that this woman might just be the one my cock was telling me to wait for. My cocks pulsed in unison as the light crept toward her face when she stepped forward and pointed the gun definitely at Thuliak’s teal cock.
I tried to look through her faceplate, but the light was reflecting too hard off the glass. I couldn’t see her features.
I could have used the Hive Mind enhancements to see her naked, but I decided not to. I had a stronger feeling about this woman so far, and if she ended up being my mate, when I saw her naked, I wanted it to be for real.
This third woman, much like Airlock and Emissary before her, resisted the male taint for somewhere between one and four seconds. Then she dropped her gun and fell to her knees.
Her faceplate rose as she looked up. Her eyes locked onto Thuliak’s cock. Her mouth was hanging open and agape. I saw her face. It was perfect, and it was looking at the wrong fucking Khetar and the wrong-colored cock.
Jealous rage pulsed through both bodies. My cocks hardened even further. She was mine.
I needed to send this message out to my pack, but seeing this woman, my entire plan had changed.
My silver body grabbed hold of the horn. It wasn’t really a horn, but that’s what I called it. I drafted a message to, my true scion:
Thuliak has found a planet of virgin women. No men on entire planet, though hostile men are in system. Men are minimally armed and no real threat.