The door opened, sending a cold draft down into the bunker.

“Close that fucking door!” Midwife shouted.

I had said the bed was the perfect size, and it was. For me and for fourhugebabies.

I don’t know how they’d done it, but they’d come out with very little pain. Midwife said they had seemed to get biggerafterthey’d come out. She said she thought they’d used whatever crazy thing happened to Khetar cocks that let them reshape and move around to make giving birth less painful.

It had still been painful, but it was a good pain.

I looked down, and both boys were sucking on my huge, swollen breasts. Milk spilled out, and one of the girls reached up at the sight of the spilled milk and started to cry.

“Our babies!” Thuliak said, a big grin plastered on his face.

Tschenkar—unbelievably—had tears in his eyes. I’d never seen a Khetar cry, let alone a scion, but here he was, crying at the sight of his children.

“This little girl needs milk, Eve,” he said.

“Then get this boy off me!” I said, “he’s going to suck me dry.”

“You did promise them,” Midwife said, giggling. “Huge volumes of milk.”

“What are their names?” Thuliak asked. “We must radio the names of the First Children across the entire world.”

I was so dead tired. I hadn’t eventhoughtabout names yet. “What do you think?” I asked, not even looking at anyone in particular. For all I cared, Midwife could name the kids, as long as I didn’t have to think.

“Only the mother may name the children,” Thuliak said, voice so serious that I knew it was pointless to argue.

“Can it wait?” I asked.

“No,” Tschenkar said. “Unnamed children are a bad omen.”

I sighed, pulling the little boys off my tits. One bit me so hard I almost bled. “That one—the biter—is Tschenkarion.”

I didn’t know how I knew that you could change the ending of a name like that, butsomehowI knew, the same way I could feel the babies’ little thoughts—and Tschenkar and Thuliak’s—floating around in my head now.

“The other boy,” I said, “Thulius.”

“And the girls?” Tschenkar asked.

“This one,” I said, pointing at the one who lunged for my breast and was so solidly attached I doubted I could ever get her off, “is Julia. The sweet one is Cleopatra.”

Midwife looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I’m so honored, Matron, it’s…oh, Goddess, I’m crying. I can’t stop crying.”

Thuliak had tears in his eyes now too as he lifted up Thulius. “My little man.”

Tschenkarion was in Tschenkar’s arms. He cradled the little guy and beamed with pride at his son. “You’re a tough little cunt, aren’t you?”

“Don’t call my son a cunt,” I snapped.

Tschenkar just laughed tickling the baby’s belly.

The two girls had pale skin like mine, but the boys’ skin was deep magenta. The girls looked almost human, while the boys looked fully Khetar. I knew that’s how it was meant to be, but it still seemed strange for half of my kids to favor humans, while the other half favored aliens.

“They all have full heads of hair,” Midwife said. “They’re so strong and healthy.”

Thuliak patted Tschenkar on the shoulder. Tschenkar was still tearing up, but he smiled wide and nodded. “We bred here really good, brother.”