“We already did! We’re moving too fast for them. The problem is, they’ve positioned themselves in waves…it’s like we’re running through a minefield!”
Waves again. The tidal wave had already hit us, now we were hitting the follow-up waves. If we were weak, those would drown us too. We could not be weak.
He showed me the waves on the screen. It was a crude representation compared to what the Hivemind could do. Based on the mix of Eden and Ur-Khetar writing, and the way the edges of circles didn’t quite touch, it looked like Urgar had drawn much of the diagram by hand, though our ship still moved across his hand-drawn diagram in real-time. We’d cleared three enemy ships, which had hit us and taken big chunks out of our ship, and now we were approaching another likely wave, marked with an Ur-Khetar number 5, followed by an Eden “???”
“Five ships?” I asked.
“Maybe less, maybe more.”
“What should we do?” I asked, eyeing the diagram, and realizing there were at least three more waves of these attacks to clear before we got to Eden.
“We need to wake up Engineer Eve,” Urgar said, “I can’t do this kind of math, but if I had to guess, I’d guess…”
He trailed off, and I gripped him tight by the back of the neck, like a puppy I was bringing to heel. I squeezed.
“I’d guess we’re fucked, Scion! I doubt we can clear these waves in one piece.”
“How long until the next wave?”
“Six minutes.”
I had two minutes to get her out of the couch. Two minutes to do some maths. Then two more minutes to get her back in. It could be done.